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"Well, well, well... Look what we have here."

Three unfamiliar hybrids are circling around the beta who's sitting on the same log his father was sitting on prior to his encounter with the alpha hybrid. Despite the fear pooling in the pit of his stomach, Seokjin remains calm and confident. He refuses to give these hybrids the satisfaction of witnessing him cower under their intimidating gazes.

"You're a lil' rascal, aren't ya? Makin' us go 'round in circles, only to find ya right where ya started," one of the hybrids says, his voice high-pitched yet throaty.

Seokjin is quite relieved by hearing this because it means his loved ones are safe and sound and these hybrids haven't suspected a thing.

"Actually, it was a triangle. Specifically, an isosceles triangle," Seokjin says smartly before he smirks. "But I wouldn't expect any of you to know your basic geometry since you're all a bunch of leeches that feed off that thing you call your alpha and the only thing you know is how to kill innocent people."

The hybrid with the throaty, high-pitched voice growls angrily and is about to attack the beta but is stopped by another hybrid who's quite tall in height.

"Don't. Sir Jeon wants him back alive," the tall hybrid says.

"Alive, but not unharmed."

Seokjin could urinate any moment now but just like his father, he masks his fear. He's more scared about the fact that the alpha hybrid wants him alive. He would choose death over transformation, any day.

The tall hybrid ignores his blood thirsty companion and says, "Kid, we have a task we need to complete. Either surrender yourself and come with us, or we'll have to take you by force."

"I heard that the word of the day is consent. Ever heard of it?" Seokjin says, not backing down. "Also, I'm no kid. I just age like fine wine."

"We'll give you ten seconds to surrender, or else we're taking you down," the short hybrid, who has been quiet all this time, finally speaks.

"That's a bit unfair, don't you think? First, I'm outnumbered, and second, I'm clearly disadvantaged because I'm just a werewolf while you're all hybrids and have the abilities of two different species," Seokjin says with a slight pout.

"If he wants a fight, we give him one. One on one," the blood thirsty hybrid snarls, "I'm goin' first."

The angry hybrid charges at Seokjin but the beta has quick reflexes and easily dodges the hit. This only angers the hybrid even more and he attempts to attack Seokjin again. However, Seokjin once again dodges the attack.

"You're good at defence, but how are your attacks?" the hybrid says with a sinister grin.

Much to the hybrid's dismay, Seokjin's attacking skills are too good. The beta is able to land a couple of punches as he dodges each attack aimed at him. He has his own fighting style which is a combination of attack and defence, instead of just one or the other. The hybrids hate to admit, but this beta has been trained well. It would be a shame if their alpha killed this wolf because this purebred would make a great hybrid. Seokjin would be a great addition to their team.

The other two hybrids watch this fight unfold until they get bored since it's going nowhere. Their companion is useless when it comes to fighting and the beta doesn't look like he'll be giving up any time soon. It's time for a change of contestants.

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