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thank you so much to everyone who reads this!! and extra thank you to everyone who votes and/or comments.. its really motivating 😌

Seokjin's eyes flutter open and he tries to sit up but he's so dizzy. He whimpers in pain because his head is throbbing but he forces himself to get up. He struggles a lot but he feels a pair of small hands help him up. He recognises the source as Jimin due to the peach and clementine scent flowing through his nostrils. But laced with that sweet, fruity scent is the unpleasant smell of rotting.

"Jimin-ah, why do you smell different?" Seokjin asks, finding Jimin's hand and taking it in his.

It's silent for a few seconds until Seokjin hears soft sobbing.

"H-Hyung... A-Abeoji..."

Seokjin's heart stops and his body freezes as he hears those words come out of his cousin's mouth. He knows he shouldn't be jumping to conclusions but he keeps making up the worst possible scenarios in seconds. Did his father complete the transition and leave? Is the pack now alpha-less? Has his father turned into a monster like the alpha hybrid?

"Is he still here? I want to talk to him," Seokjin says and attempts to get up but Jimin weakly holds him down.

"Hyung," Jimin croaks out, "He's gone."

Seokjin's eyes water and he blinks back the tears as he says, "B-But why would he leave without saying goodbye? Is serving the hybrid more important than comforting us?"

Jimin's sobbing only turns into crying and he buries his head in Seokjin's chest as he lets the tears fall.

"Jiminie, why are you crying? It's okay. He'll come back for us, right? He's not gone forever," Seokjin says softly even though he's not convinced by his own words.

Hearing these words only make Jimin cry so hard that he can't speak, so he takes out a letter from his pocket and hands it to his hyung. Seokjin's vision is still blurry as an unpleasant side effect caused by the hybrid venom in his body but he uses his wolf eyes to clear his sight. Even his wolf vision is impaired but it's clear enough for him to read the words.

My Son,
     I'm slowly losing consciousness as I write this, and I don't know how long I have left, so I will make this as short as I can. By the time you read this, I will be gone because I have not completed the transition. As an alpha, I have to make a sacrifice, and that's you. I couldn't do it. I wish I had told you sooner but that doesn't matter now. It's over.
     Please look after yourself and our family. Please give them hope and lead them in the right direction. You don't need to be an alpha to be a leader.
     Do the right thing. Don't seek revenge. Don't be like him. That's not who you are. Forget him and everything he has done. Start a new life.
     I believe in you and I love you more than anything. I'm proud of the man you have become. Eomma would be proud, too. You're our greatest creation. You are our life.
     You are our only hope.
Love, Appa.

Seokjin breaks down by reading this letter because these are his dad's last words to him, and they were not spoken words either. He can tell that his dad was barely alive to write this because the writing is crooked and only just legible. The fact that his dad made the effort to write a letter instead of passing on a verbal message breaks him even more. This isn't how his dad was meant to die.

"How am I supposed to lead this pack when we're all going to be dead soon?" Seokjin says and chuckles bitterly, tears streaming down his face.


It has been a few hours since Seokjin woke up and he and the rest of the pack are inside their small home. They're awaiting their death because they know this is something they can't escape. The hybrid venom is burning them from the inside and some of them have made attempts to kill themselves to get it over with but Seokjin stopped them. If they're going to die, they should die together. They've all accepted it.

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