twenty eight

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sorry for the late update!! been pretty busy

"May I please have my son? Thank you," Jungkook requests.

Taehyung's smothering his best friend's son's face with kisses and the baby keeps smiling. It may be one of the cutest sights Jungkook has ever seen but Taehyung's been hogging his son for at least ten minutes now, not that this is anything new. Jungkook just wants his baby back and Seokjin can't be bothered doing anything about it.

"Taehyung, I would like my son back," Jungkook says impatiently.

Taehyung just looks at Jungkook with a mischievous grin before he disappears with his unrelated nephew.

"Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook yells, chasing his best friend.

Jimin watches with the most bitter expression on his face. Taehyung always plays dirty and steals the little boy, whose name the fathers are yet to decide, right out of Jimin's arms. Jimin keeps throwing tantrums and he even whined to Seokjin the first day but Seokjin told him to bugger off because the werewitch was busy with witch stuff. All the other werevampires have been plotting against Taehyung because he's being a selfish brat but there's mostly screaming and yelling.

Even with all this noise, the baby remains smiling. He hasn't cried, not even once, ever since he was united with his family. There was one time where he almost cried because Jungkook wasn't paying attention to him for 5 seconds because the alpha was secretly watching Seokjin getting dressed in the bathroom while the door was half open. The little boy only wants love, attention, and lots and lots of kisses.

"Give me my son!" Jungkook yells.

Tired of this commotion, Seokjin swings the basement door open and angrily yells, "Can you all shut the fυck up for a second?! I'm trying to figure out how to save your stupid lives from Satan's pawn!"

The screaming and yelling immediately dies down and Seokjin mumbles a thank you as he slams the door shut. He's been spending a lot of time in the basement the past three weeks because he's trying to figure out how to stop Park Woosang. He managed to repair the collar that Jungkook broke, by using a repair spell, and getting that magic restraint on Park Woosang is the goal. Seokjin just needs to figure out how he's supposed to get the collar on a witch who's ten times more powerful than him. It truly scares him how Park Woosang hasn't even attacked the hybrids yet, and it's been almost a whole month.

"Hyung?" Jimin calls out, entering the basement.

"What do you want?"

Jimin frowns because of Seokjin's tone but he shrugs it off as he approaches his cousin before asking, "What are you trying to do?"

"Eomma's journal had a lot of spells that aren't in this spell book. It sucks that it's with the enemy now," Seokjin mentions, physically and mentally exhausted. "I feel like she knew more than the other witches even though she wasn't a practicing witch herself."

"Have you tried summoning her?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, but it didn't work," Seokjin mumbles.

It's quiet for a few seconds but the bulb in Jimin's head lights up.

"Hyung! Since you're part werewolf, you could only activate your magic during the full moon. What if gomo can only be summoned during a full moon as well since she was a werewolf?" Jimin theorises.

"That's what I thought but a lot can go wrong now that I'm not pregnant anymore, Jiminie. We don't even know what Park Woosang has planned. I mean, why the hell did he leave my son behind when his blood is the ultimate weapon to humanise a night creature? None of this makes sense," Seokjin voices his thoughts.

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