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"Kook, I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me for not telling you but I was just scared you were going to lose control and kill him," Taehyung says as he and Jungkook take a stroll through the forest. 

"Do you have that little faith in me, Taehyung? If you had told me about the boy and asked me not to harm him, I would have listened to you. Do you not recall our conversation from the other day?"

"I know, but... You looked pretty determined to kill Seokjin and I thought you'd kill his cousin to punish him," Taehyung mumbles.

Jungkook stops in his tracks and turns to face Taehyung, truly hurt because of the lack of trust his so-called best friend has in him.

"I was going to kill the beta because I do not like loose ends but I refrained from doing so because of you. I could have even punished him for disrespecting me but I did not, because I knew you cared for him. You should have known from that very moment that I would do anything for you. Why? Because you are my best friend and I love you a lot. But it seems to me that you do not trust me as much as I trust you. It deeply saddens me that our trust is not mutual."

Taehyung opens his mouth to argue but Jungkook continues.

"I have never questioned your choices or requests, and I have always made exceptions for the sake of your happiness and satisfaction, yet you still keep secrets from me. If this happens again then I am sorry, but I will have to denounce you as my righthand man," Jungkook says, concealing his hurt by keeping a solemn expression. "Please have faith in me, Taehyung. That is all I ask of you."

Taehyung can tell he has really hurt Jungkook because his best friend has never spoken about denunciation. He has reasons to justify his secrecy but he knows it'll only hurt Jungkook even more so he would rather not mention them. He does trust Jungkook, more than anyone could ever imagine, but Jungkook sometimes loses control of himself and has a tendency to make irrational decisions, especially during hunts and fights. It's spontaneous and unintentional, which is why it's even more dangerous.

"I won't keep secrets from you ever again. I promise," Taehyung says and, despite having worries, promises himself to keep this promise.

"Thank you."

They continue their midnight stroll until they both smell human flesh. They follow the scent, making sure to be on high alert and wary of their surroundings, while using their wolf eyes to find the source. They end up finding a group of hunters preparing for a hunt. No doubt they're werewolf hunters because of their silver weapons, and the smell of wolfsbane is strong as well.

"It's the last of its kind. We need to find it before it reaches its full potential. Remember, it's stronger than its alpha and it's even stronger on full moon nights. Stay alert."

The hunters diverge and the two hybrids exchange a knowing glance before Taehyung speeds off while Jungkook slowly approaches the lead hunter. With his irises glowing their hauntingly beautiful blood red, Jungkook reveals his presence as he emerges from behind the trees. By hearing twigs snapping, the hunter looks up at the source and he immediately aims his gun at the red-eyed creature.

"Stand back, or I will shoot you," the hunter threatens the creature. "These bullets are made out of pure silver."

Jungkook's lips curve into a menacing smile and he continues walking towards the hunter. Out of fear, the hunter aims the gun right at the creature's chest and pulls the trigger. A silver bullet pierces the left side of Jungkook's chest but he easily takes it out and throws it on the ground. The wound heals immediately.

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