twenty five

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i wanna know if anyone has figured it out yet... just say yes or no..nothing else 😛

aaand thank you all sooo much for 20k reads!! i really cant believe this wtf 😭💕i know i barely ever say this but i love every one of u 💜

Nights have passed and it's finally the night of the full moon, which is at 11:28PM; less than half an hour from now. Seokjin's been living amongst the hunters while also receiving some pre-witch training from Park Woosang. They've only gone over some minor spells, such as how to paralyse someone, and they've been working on Seokjin's enunciation as preparation for the real thing. Now they're just waiting to apply that theoretical knowledge into practical work after the activation spell. Other than that, nothing else has happened and Park Woosang hasn't disclosed any important information.

It's been difficult for Seokjin to live in peace while Jungkook's being tortured in the basement. The most of Jungkook that Seokjin's been getting is a glass of the alpha hybrid's blood after each meal for the baby. They never saw each other but they've been communicating verbally, thanks to their enhanced hearing.

The hybrids back at the mansion haven't slept for days and the only time they even get a tiny bit of rest is when they pass out from exhaustion. They've been running around like madmen, trying to get a lead, but they've had no luck so far. Now that it's the full moon night, they're relying on Jimin and his idea. If this doesn't work, they don't know what will.

"As soon as you track him, you send us the location. Don't do anything until the rest of us get there, got it?" Taehyung says sternly to Jimin. "Even if you see an opportunity, don't be stupid enough to take it. Assume they know we're coming and stay put, because it's highly likely they're expecting us."

Jimin nods in response, his heartbeat irregular due to a mix of anticipation and fear.

Taehyung then glances at each hybrid as he says, "Seokjin would have activated his magic by the time we get there so getting that journal to him is our priority. And remember, the hunters have dart guns and the darts have some kind of drug in them that's strong enough to keep us down for a couple of minutes. I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys to be careful. The fact that they could capture two hybrids in a day already says enough."

"They captured a bunch of us once so they can do it again," Jongin adds.

"Exactly," Taehyung says with a nod before he continues, "We have to protect Jimin because he's going to get the journal to Seokjin, but we also need to protect ourselves and each other. We can't lose anyone. We're all coming back in one piece, alright? No one's coming home unless we're all making it together. It's all or none."

"We can do this. This is going to work," Jimin says confidently even though he's internally panicking because of his pessimism.

"For our pack," Taehyung says, putting his hand in.

"For our pack," the other hybrids repeat in unison, also putting their hands in.

They wait for the timer to beep at 11:28PM before Jimin embraces his werewolf side and uses only his werewolf senses as he runs off with Jihyun's journal.

"Do you think this is going to work?" Kyungsoo asks Taehyung.

"I really hope so."


Jimin's heartbeat picks up its pace as he catches onto a weak scent of strawberry and cherry blossom. He constantly sniffs and follows the direction of the scent, his veins pumping with anticipation. He finds himself squeezing past a bunch of bushes in an isolated area until he spots an empty field close ahead. There's a possibility that Park Woosang has casted a cloaking spell on a building so Jimin remains hidden in the bushes and sends a text with his location to Taehyung.

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