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i honestly love writing this book ajsjwjdj

"If you're not here to heal me then get the hell out!" Seokjin yells with angry and painful tears rolling down his cheeks when he weakly senses a presence.

The figure stands right in front of the cage and watches the suffering beta, making no sound despite his presence being detected. He finds pleasure in seeing the tough beta finally showing weakness. Even the sassy ones who always have something new to say end up repeating the same words when their life is in danger.

"P-Please... Just h-heal me... I don't w-want to die a h-hybrid," Seokjin cries out, "You can k-kill me as soon- soon as your b-blood's out of my system. Just don't let me d-die as one of y-you!"

The figure's eyebrows furrow in confusion and he stands there listening to the beta's pleas and cries. It seems as if the beta is more afraid of dying as a hybrid than actually dying. However, the figure doesn't recall feeding the beta his blood, not even once.

"Who fed you blood?" the alpha hybrid demands, making his identity known.

Seokjin's breath hitches by the sound of this familiar authoritative voice and he hesitantly says, "Th-That hybrid... He gave me his- his blood. Said I'll d-die as a p-purebred. Res-Resurrect as a h-hybrid."

Jungkook hums in response and has an idea of what's going on. Without another word, he leaves the beta to suffer alone again as he exits the basement. He speeds to the third floor and bangs on his righthand man's door.

"Kim Taehyung! Open this door right now!" Jungkook yells.

Taehyung doesn't bother responding because, as always, Jungkook invites himself in anyway.

"The only time you ever knock on my door is when I'm fully clothed. I'm starting to think you do it on purpose," Taehyung says, relaxing on his bed.

"I find humour in embarrassing you," Jungkook simply says as if he wasn't just yelling at Taehyung mere seconds ago.

"Prick," Taehyung mutters under his breath before he asks, "Anyway, what's up?"

"You and I must have a conversation that is long overdue," Jungkook says and sits on the edge of Taehyung's bed.

Taehyung nods and gestures for Jungkook to continue.

"When were you going to tell me?" Jungkook asks, looking right into Taehyung's eyes.

"Tell you what?" Taehyung asks, confused.

"About the beta."

Taehyung's heart jumps by hearing this but he forces himself to remain calm as he asks, "What about him?"

Jungkook sighs, knowing that his friend will only try to avoid the topic unless a direct, straightforward question is asked.

"When were you going to tell me that you were the one who healed him?"

Taehyung knows he shouldn't be shocked because Jungkook can easily figure things out, but he's still taken aback by this question. He's a little worried that Jungkook's mad but when he looks into the alpha's brown eyes, there's only curiosity in them. Jungkook seems genuinely curious and there's not even the slightest bit of anger or any other negative emotion on his face.

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