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All day, Jungkook has been going through the research Taehyung gave him this morning after searching the dead hunters' ute again. Apparently this 'werewitch' is even more powerful than Jungkook and is the only person who'd be able to erase the entire hybrid population. It doesn't state how, but the fact that the last living witch can do something as great as this is quite concerning to Jungkook. If this witch is able to destroy the invincible, it's a living nightmare.

Jungkook has two options: find the witch and kill them, or somehow form an alliance with the witch and use them to his advantage. Then kill them. Whatever it is, this witch is Jungkook's biggest threat and competition. He can't let the hunters get to them first. 

"Found the werewitch yet?" Taehyung asks, leaning against the doorframe of Jungkook's room, arms folded.

"No, unfortunately," Jungkook says.

He massages his temples, feeling slightly worn out from encountering too many dead ends. It's almost impossible to identify the werewitch because all the witches are dead and there are too many werewolves who have the surname Park. Whoever this mysterious witch is, they made sure to conceal their identity from everyone.

"I was unable to discover any traces of the identity, but I have found a way to expose it," Jungkook mentions.

Taehyung eagerly walks towards Jungkook's desk, curious to know what the alpha found out. Jungkook pulls out a tattered notebook and opens up to the page he had bookmarked. This is the only book he has that has anything to do with witchcraft.

"Read this," Jungkook says, holding the book out to Taehyung.

"Can you summarise it? I'm too lazy to read."

Jungkook sighs and closes the book before he says, "A being cannot be both a witch and a creature of the night as it will disrupt the natural order. Therefore when a witch and a creature of the night reproduce, the offspring will be born as the latter. After it dies, it will resurrect as a witch."

"So... If this werewitch dies, they'll come back to life as a witch and they won't have their wolf powers anymore? They have two separate lives?" Taehyung asks for clarification.

"That is correct. However, the witch parent has the ability to deny their offspring's resurrection through a spell. If they deny the resurrection and the offspring dies before them, then it remains dead. But if the parent dies before the offspring, the magic will not be effective as the one who casted it ceases to exist."

"Then this wolf would come back to life as a witch if they die since all the witches are dead so no one can deny the resurrection," Taehyung concludes.

"Yes. But there is another complication," Jungkook adds, leaning back in his chair. "Witches are also able to perform a permanent spell which will enable the compatibility of otherwise incompatible species within one being."


"A witch could have casted a spell on the other hybrid so that it can live one life as both a werewolf and a witch instead of two separate lives," Jungkook explains, "The spell is casted while the werewitch is in the womb and it would be effective even after the witch who performed it dies. Only the most powerful witches are able to cast such a spell because it would permanently disrupt the natural order."

Taehyung pinches the bridge of his nose, all of this information overwhelming him, but he can't help but ask, "Okay, so... How do you plan on exposing the witch?"

"We will find every werewolf who has the blood of a Park. We will narrow the list down to those born in 1974 and those whose parents were born in that year. First, we will ask them to cast a minor spell. If it fails, we kill them to see if they will resurrect."

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