twenty nine

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It's been about an hour since Seungho was resurrected and he's been holding his grandson ever since, his two sons clinging onto him and never leaving his side. Jungkook has been watching the family and all he can do is yearn for his own father figure's presence. He misses Yoongi more than anything, even though it's been decades. He had hope that Yoongi can be resurrected too now that a witch resides in the werevampire mansion but the resurrection requires a soul trade with a blood-related relative. Yoongi has no living blood-related family and even if he did, they most likely wouldn't agree to trading their life for someone else's. There's never always a loophole but as long as Jungkook has Taehyung - his annoying yet loving older brother who often acts like the younger one - he's going to be fine.

Taehyung arrives home with a box full of bubble teas and hands them out to those who ordered one. He gives one to Seungho, Seokjin, and Jimin as well before he grabs the last two out of the box and walks over to Jungkook. He hands one over and the two stand side by side behind the railing on the third floor as they watch the Kim/Park werewolf family.

"Appa, you've been gone for months! Give us your attention," Seokjin complains, clinging onto his dad's arm.

Seungho just smiles and rubs the tip of his nose against his grandson's, who's giggling lightly. A pouty Seokjin rests his head on his dad's shoulder and tightens his hold on the former werewolf's arm. Jimin climbs onto Seungho's back and the two cousins pester the former alpha until he sighs heavily and gives them the attention they seek so badly.

"My grandson deserves some love too, you know?" Seungho teases his two clingy sons who always act like kids around him.

"Come on, abeoji! He gets love from everyone," Jimin whines.

"Okay, okay, fine," Seungho says, "I'll give him to his other appa and the three of us can go for a walk. Deal?"


Seungho sighs softly and gets up, gently holding his grandson. He walks towards the staircase to take the little boy to his werevampire father but Jungkook's quicker to appear in front of Seungho. It's a moment of tense and awkward silence but Jungkook soon kneels before one of the greatest alphas that he has looked up to despite not knowing the face of this alpha.

Jungkook inhales deeply and says, "I am very sorry for the wrong I have committed against you and your pack. I deeply regret my actions. What I have done is disgraceful and unjustifiable, hence you have every right to deny me your forgiveness. I will understand if-"

"Get up."

Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat and hesitantly stands up so that he's face to face with Kim Seungho. He expects a slap across the face, or even being spat on like what Seokjin once did, but he's taken aback when a hand is rested on his shoulder. In a state of disbelief, he stares at Seungho's hand as if it's some kind of alien object. 

"You used to disgust me, but not anymore. Going through bardo showed me who you really are and I've learned to understand you," Seungho says and withdraws his hand to keep his fidgeting grandson still. "I forgave you a long time ago."

Jungkook's eyes slightly widen in shock but it's soon replaced by relief. He keeps his arms by his sides and bows 90 degrees out of respect. The werevampires who witness this are stunned by their alpha's actions because he's never been the type to show such respect for an outsider, let alone a human.

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Seungho-ssi," Jungkook says.

Seungho flashes a small smile and hands his grandson to the father. Jungkook's bunny grin has never been so bright as he takes his son into his arms and kisses the baby's cheeks. Seungho can tell by one simple look that Jungkook loves this little boy more than anything.

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