twenty one

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i feel like jin's mum's death and the witch massacre were way too recent so i changed how long ago they were,. its not a big deal guys dw , just thougt i'd let u know so u dont get confused

Seokjin reads the instructions in the tattered spell book and prepares for the magic activation spell by creating a pentagram on the floor with Himalayan salt. While Seokjin's doing that, Jungkook places a candle at each point of the star and he lights them up. Once everything has been set, Seokjin memorises the chant before he steps into the middle of the five-pointed star. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, releases the breath, relaxes, clears his mind, and finally recites the chant in broken Latin three times.

Jungkook stands there with the book and he watches closely, making sure everything is going smoothly. He doesn't realise the chant has been recited three times until Seokjin's eyes open. But nothing happens.

"It didn't work," Seokjin states the obvious, becoming a little restless. "Why isn't it working? I'm a werewitch. It needs to work. My magic should be activated by now."

"Your pronunciation needs improvement."

Seokjin scowls and steps out of the pentagram before he snatches the book off Jungkook and rereads the chant in his head. Not having a clue how to pronounce anything, he grabs Jungkook's phone and types the chant in the Google translator. He then grabs a pen and paper to write the Latin words in Hangul as he listens to the translator's voice. This transliteration effectively helps with his pronunciation and he takes a few minutes to recite the words until his pronunciation is similar to that of the Google translator's.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asks.

To answer that question, Seokjin steps back into the centre of the pentagram and he repeats what he did earlier but with better pronunciation and enunciation. Each time he recites the chant, he becomes more passionate and the volume of his voice increases. But even with all of this effort, the spell still doesn't work.

"It's still not working," Seokjin croaks out, his eyes glossy with tears of failure. "This doesn't make any sense! This needs to work!"

Jimin soon bursts through the basement door and appears beside Jungkook with another tattered book, Taehyung following close behind but at a more relaxed pace.

"We found something," Jimin slightly pants out of exhaustion as he hands the book to his alpha. "Since hyung's part werewolf, he can only activate his powers by performing the spell at the exact time of the full moon and it needs to be done under the moonlight."

"You've got to be fυcking kidding me!" Seokjin rasps as he stomps out of the pentagram.

If Seokjin was an anime character, his face would be tomato red and steam would be coming out of his ears and nostrils.

"Hyung, it's okay. The full moon is next week. You won't have to wait for too long," Jimin tries to comfort his cousin.

Jungkook does a mental calculation and he hums when he realises the next full moon is sooner than later. Seokjin lets out a frustrated breath and fans himself as if it'll help him cool down. He doesn't want to wait any longer.

"How do you know I can only do this on a full moon night?" Seokjin asks.

"Well... I don't know for sure, but it's a theory in this book," Jimin says and gestures to the book in Jungkook's hand.

Seokjin snatches the book and hastily flips through the pages. He's desperate to activate his magic because he needs to revive his dad. It's the only thing that'll end all of his suffering.

"Where did you find it?" Jungkook asks Jimin.

"Witch cavern," Taehyung answers as he joins the other three, "They had a bunch of other books but this was specifically on the werewitch."

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