twenty three

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warning: strong violence/abuse near the end of this chapter

Jungkook clutches his aching chest and pants heavily, trying to catch his breath. His eyes are burning as tears threaten to fall but he manages to fight them as his pain is replaced with anger. Jimin soon wakes up and glances around in search of Seokjin but when there's no sign of his cousin, his bottom lip starts quivering.

"Hyungie?" Jimin calls out weakly, hoping his hyung is close by.

When there's no response, Jimin sniffs in hopes of catching onto a scent but he doesn't pick up on anything. He immediately collapses onto the ground and curls up in a ball, sobbing quietly because he's so worried about his hyung. Taehyung opens his mouth to suggest a plan but Jungkook suddenly disappears.

"Jungoo-ah?" Taehyung shouts, hoping Jungkook hasn't gone too far.

Jungkook doesn't respond either and Taehyung drags his hands through his hair out of frustration. Taehyung tries to use his enhanced hearing to catch onto a breath at least but all he can hear are sirens approaching from afar. Either Jungkook has already caused a scene, or the police are on their way to check on the explosion. Good thing this area is secluded so the hybrids can escape without being noticed.

"Shorty, get up. We need to leave," Taehyung says to Jimin.

Jimin sniffles and wipes his eyes before he stands up. Usually he'd fight Taehyung for calling him short but he doesn't have the energy for that. All he can think about is Seokjin and he's so worried for his hyung's safety.

"I don't know where Jungkook went but my guess is the hunters' headquarters, and I have a feeling that's where your cousin would be too," Taehyung says.

"Lets go."

The two disappear and make their way far from the explosion before they catch a taxi since they're growing tired from running. Sure, they'd be able to reach their destination quicker by using vampire speed, but it's quite exhausting and involves a lot of physical exertion. They only take the taxi until they're energised, though. A little bit of rest is all they need.

While those two are on their way, an enraged and determined Jungkook arrives at the hunters' headquarters. He's well aware that this is a highly secured building and it's almost impossible to get past the gates but one shouldn't underestimate the alpha hybrid. Especially not when he's undergoing a rare aggressive episode which is much more dangerous than when he's just angry. This aggression strips him out of his humanity and he's nothing but a savage beast with an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blood. He has only ever experienced this state three times: when his first righthand man was killed, when some of his pack members were captured, and now; when his to-be-fiancé and unborn baby are missing.

He breaks through the electric fence, not even caring that his body is being roasted. His trespassing triggers the security alarm and the outdoor weapons emerge from underground, all of them aimed at him. Dozens of bullets are shot in his direction but not a single one makes contact with his body because he's fast. He tears every single machine in half until they're all broken and unrepairable before he speeds towards the entrance of the building. He breaks the door open with a forceful kick and the rookie hunters on guard start shooting at him aimlessly.

"My family! Give me my family!" Jungkook roars with the utmost fury and hatred.

"Your family's dead!" one of the hunters shout.

Jungkook just laughs menacingly and appears in front of that hunter. He doesn't hesitate to grab the gun and break it in half before he tears the hunter's ear off with his fangs. The hunter screams in pain and Jungkook smiles with pleasure at the reaction before he rips the hunter's head off their body. Even with so many bullets drilling into his body, he remains standing on two steady feet and moves from one hunter to another.

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