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for those who've read the previous version of this chapter, start from "You should have told me, you imbecile!"

"Keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Even if it's just a bad feeling in the gut, you have to call us," Seokjin says, worried. "Stay safe, okay? Please try to get to Hoseok hyung's house before the sun goes down. That means no pit stops unless necessary."

"Don't worry, hyung. Jongin hyung and Taemin hyung are going with us so you have nothing to worry about," Jimin assures his cousin, holding his nephew.

"It doesn't matter who is or isn't with you. We're all vulnerable for as long as Park Woosang walks this earth. So please, please, be watchful and communicate with us regularly until we know you're safe," Seokjin pleads.

Seungho smiles proudly because of how much his son has grown in these few months. Usually it's Seungho who's taking responsibility and guiding the pack but now, Seokjin has grown into a true man who's more than capable of leading a pack of werevampires. Seokjin has gained the werevampires' respect for many reasons and they're willing to let him guide them through battle. They consider Seokjin a leader despite him being only a beta werewolf.

"Eomma would be so proud of you," Seungho suddenly says with a loving smile on his face.

Seokjin smiles sadly and hugs his dad one more time before he walks his family towards the taxi. Seungho gets in the passenger seat with his grandson while the other three hop in the back. They all wave goodbye to each other before the taxi slowly disappears as it moves along.

"They'll be fine," Taehyung says, throwing an arm around Seokjin's shoulders. "I'm sure Park Woosang isn't after your family considering he helped you break the sire bond and told you how to get your dad back."

"It is possible he only committed such acts to gain Seokjin's trust and then use his family as leverage," Jungkook says as he appears beside Seokjin. "Trust me. I would know."

"Of course you would," Seokjin says in a sarcastic tone.

Jungkook frowns, upset, and Seokjin immediately regrets saying what he said.

"It was just a joke," Seokjin says.

"I could not tell, because it was not funny," Jungkook says.

Taehyung snickers and Jungkook gives his brother a glare.

"Anyway, I want to end this tonight. Eomma said my magic is strongest during the exact time of the full moon so I'm going to use it to my advantage," Seokjin says.

Jungkook and Taehyung exchange an equally worried and uncertain glance.

"Are you sure you can handle it? Last time, you beat the shιt out of Jungkook," Taehyung brings up.

"I can handle it," Seokjin says confidently, "I got to see her one last time and say goodbye... so... I can handle it."

"Lets say you get through it without going feral; how do we even find Park Woosang in the first place?" Taehyung asks.

"We don't have to find him," Seokjin says, "He'll come to us."


Seokjin wipes away the droplets of blood slipping from his eyes before he exits the basement. He's been practicing magic for the past few hours and he's gotten the hang of it. He feels like he has been physically drained but he's ready for battle. Park Woosang may be powerful but so is Kim Seokjin.

"Our enemy will not approach us until the moment you are most vulnerable. We have three hours until the full moon so please rest your mind and body. You must not overwork yourself by training for hours prior to battle. It is similar to memorising all the pages in your textbook the night before your school examination," Jungkook lectures Seokjin.

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