3|Saturday night

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It's Saturday and the whole morning and afternoon have been spent discussing Vince's 40-12 win yesterday which I couldn't care less about, although I did bud my head in when my dad mentioned the amazing wide receiver Chase.

Ending my dad's praising of Vince everyone went to the grove except Vince and I who are watching Atlanta. I personally didn't go to the grove because I am not trying to be embarrassed when Sawyer throws a fit, Vince on the other hand said he was too tired which is understandable, but really he just doesn't want anyone to see his mad helmet air.

"So how did Chase do yesterday?" I hesitate as the credits roll up.

"He was good 3 touch-" Vince stops and looks at me when he translates what I just asked. "Ahh Hell no Daya he has a girlfriend who he is in love with," Vince announces to our whole complex.

"I know I was just wondering how his game was doing, if he's starting off the season on a good note, If he's receiving well," And if he would ever consider giving me my first kiss, like as a random act of kindness.

"Daya stop bullshitting I see you look at him and Laia everyday like you want to be her," Vince laughs and shakes his head like me being ungrateful and wanting to be someone else is amusing. "I don't want to be her." Okay maybe a little, but in a healthy way.

"Mhmm, but you don't deny looking at them." Shit he caught me on that one.

"I look at everyone."

"Please Daya, you know one day you're going to be all alone because you just envy everyone if you don't live your own damn life," my dad's voice speaks through Vince's chapped lips. I look him up and down noticing he's dressed in black jeans with a white t shirt that he somehow managed to keep clean while eating chips and salsa 20 minutes ago.

"Can I go?" I ask as Vince starts to play with his still matted dark curls.

He doesn't even deserve them seeing that he can't even comb his hair properly, hell he wants to shave his head and get waves like all his friends who get new durags every weekend.

"How did you know-" he shakes his head wiping the wrinkles from his pants. "Fine Vicki is here don't be a weirdo we won't be there long," Vince gets off the couch and slides into his jordans that were just under the coffee table.

I should've known he was going to some Saturday night party the minute him and his strong cologne sat down on the couch. To Vince I look reluctant when I get my shoes, but really I'm eager to see a bunch of high kids smoke and drink away problems they don't have.

Vicki pulls up in front of our condo in her mom's black jeep comanche that has words written on the dusty gray windows.

Still in a car, that makes a wheezing sound and has bird poop on one of the wheels Vicki looks gorgeous with her hair touching the car ceiling and her body in a black long sleeve bodysuit with jeans. She looks so good Vince has a goofy ass smile on his face one he's only been allowed to show since him and Vicki got together.

Before they were best friends who met each other in middle school, and since Vicki stuck her hand out they've been inseparable. She's Prevez he's Price so every orientation they would be standing right next to each other. Even through Vince's first kiss at Roxbury park with Jessica Hamlin and Vicki's first hickey under the bleachers they were best friends. Of course they had to screw it up and get together right before senior year.

"You ready Daya?" she shouts as the window slowly rolls down.

"Yup," I lie. Vicki's been driving since she was a sophomore with no tickets and a license, but it's not her i'm worried about it's her car that continues to wheeze as Vince and I get into it. She calls it Lauryn, which is a huge insult to the 8 time grammy winner. "Where is this party?" I ask getting worried about telling people I went to a party I knew nothing about.

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