28 | Vicki's Party

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This Chapter is a bit of a filler and I was going to leave it out but I decided to keep it 

When Vince and I change into our "party," outfits my dad throws Vince his car keys and tells us to be back by 11 sharp. This demand comes with a list of things for us or mostly Vince not to do so he will be in perfect shape for his game next Saturday. I actually feel like a grown up walking out of the door, leaving my family who are all getting comfortable on the couch. Last year I was on that couch with my dad holding Sawyer. I haven't changed that much because the second Vince starts driving down our street I fall asleep. It's only a 15 minute drive to Vicki's loft, but due to my lack of consciousness it feels like forever. Or it feels like forever because Vince drives like a grandma to avoid getting into an accident.

"We're here wake up," Vice shouts and I pick my head up.

We're parked right in front of Vicki's building and I can see her birthday balloons in the top of the window. Vince is the boyfriend of the guest of honor so it's no surprise when we get to her place along with Jada we're the first people here.

"She's changing," Jada blurts out as we enter the clean apartment. She's the first sight we see on Vicki's couch with her bright orange weave.

"Cool," Vince says and makes himself comfortable on a stool while I just stand awkwardly.

This isn't the first time I've been in Vicki's place, but this is the first time I've seen her loft spotless with none of her and Sandra's clothes scattered on the wooden tiles.

"Ooh chex mix!" I shout and run over to the kitchen island. Along with the chex mix there's bags of full sized snacks that aren't just cheetos. There the good low calorie snacks like skinny pop, and frankly im impressed.

"Don't you dare, you know you don't know how to open plastic bags" Vnce says when my hands touch the chex mix bag. I reluctantly put the bag in the original place and grab a stool next to Vince. I am terrible at opening bags.

After Jada stops vince from going down the hallway into Vicki's room Vicki struts out in a bright yellow dress. She looks amazing, but the real spotlight of her outfit is the silver heart necklace that contributes to her glow.

"Hey sexy," Vince flirts.

"Yay you're here," Vicki says. She wraps her arms around Vince to give him a passionate kiss. Two kisses later they seperate and Vicki notices me still sitting in the stool. "Aww Daya you look amazing!" I get up and she also engulfs me a huge hug.

For a good 20 minutes the 4 of us just watch tv and Jada and I try not to notice Vince and Vicki's snuggling. At 8:30 three of Vicki's friends walk in and the get together begins. Vicki wasn't kidding about this being an intimate get together because I can't even hide in the corner to look at my phone and instead I'm forced to talk to Vince and Vicki's peers. Sandra informed a no drugs rule so everyone is sober and having good conversations over the R&B playlist I made.

I talk to a track girl about her plans of being an OBGYN and then I head to the kitchen where Jada is sipping a sprite and talking to some boy who's staring at her chest. I stuff some chex mix in my mouth, but stop when Vicki's door slightly opens and I turn around. Hand in hand with smiles are Laia and Chase. I guess I can thank Ziyah for taking over 70% of my brain because Chase's presence doesn't male me open my mouth and stare like it used to.

"Hey," Laia says so casually as Chase breaks away from her and joins
Vince on the couch.

"Hey," I say and Vince shoots me a look from the couch. Too bad it isn't needed. 

"I love your shirt," Laia says. Now I feel like I'm going to open my mouth and stare at her. Laia loves my shirt? She doesn't like it she loves my shirt

"Thank you," I say. 

After a game of encore which my team wins Vince takes out the ice cream cake from the freezer and we all sing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you," we sing and Vince begins to pass out slices of cake like some waiter. Vince is about to give Chase his slice of cake but instead he slaps his free hand on his forehead and the same wave of pain that came over him in his room makes his eyes water. He puts the paper plate on the coffee table and like before starts taking deep breaths.

"Baby are you ok?" Vicki says and rushes to his side. Everyone can see his almost red tone,  but he nods like Vicki was actually asking him. Some looks are exchanged and then Chase gets up from the silent living room and goes to the kitchen. Vicki goes with Chase and when they come back Chase has a cup and Vicki has a tablet.

"Boi have some apple juice and a tylenol," Vince says and he hands him the cup while Vicki hands him the tablet.

"He's more of an Advil person," I murmur and everyone looks at me.

Vince looks at Chase and the plastic cup. "She's right."

"Does it look like I care take the damn juice," Chase practically shouts. Vince grabs the cup and tablet and takes it quickly while Vicki wipes his forehead with a towel. As if nothing happened we all put aside our worries for Vince, and Chase finally eats his cake.

Shortly after Vicki and Vince have a semi long make out session and we say goodbye Vince and I start our drive back home at 10:35. I desperately want to go to sleep, but all I can think about is Vince.

"Vince no BS what's going on?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"The flashes of pain you've been having." What else?

"They're like short migraines I guess, nothing is going on."

"Have you told dad?" Dad's angry face flashes in my mind at the fact that Vince hasn't told dad about what's going on. 

Silence comes over us and the only thing I can here is the turn signal and the humming of the radio. 

"I know these games are important to you but if your not-"

"I'm fine," Vince interrupts.

"You should tell dad and coach."

"I - I will if it happens again before the game I will, I promise." At that I nod and lay my head on my seatbelt. 

Authors Note: 

Hey guys I just wanted t say thank you for 3k reads. Honestly the reads don't matter when people are engaging in your story, and I love that. Also If you guys have any suggestions, critiques or things that would improve my story please tell me. I'm always looking to improve as a writer. If this story seems boring don't worry the next part things are about to change up. So I can improve how I write I have some questions and I would really appreciate if you answered them. 

Do you think Daya and Ziyah are a good match?

Who is your favorite character?

If I were to write a part in another POV who would you want it to be?

What are things you don't like about the story?

Would you like me to make a cast?

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