25|Butteflies and percentages

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My dad, mom, Vince, Dani, and I or what I call  the core 5 walk down the pathways of Cal State San Diego behind our young tour guide Melody who is the same size as Dani. While I don't give a crap about this school Vince got an offer which of course means the whole family has to drive 2 hours for a tour, but I don't mind because Melody kind of makes the college interesting.

She's extremely peppy for 11 in the morning on Sunday, but it's kind of breaking the obvious tension between my parents as we walk further onto the campus.

The tension has nothing to do with their divorce, they're way past that, what's keeping them from laughing like their normal selves is their differences in what they want for Vince. My mom wants him to go to the best university and maybe not even play football to focus on his studies. My dad on the other hand wants Vince to pursue his passion for football and focus more on the field then trying to find a major he doesn't care about.

The person who really matters Vince just wants to find a way to balance his studies, football, and trying to find some intimate time with his girlfriend. Hopefully what he chooses to focus on the most is in that order, but by the boring look on his face at the moment probably not.

We've just passed the library where Melody went into detail about how much she loves Jane Austen, and Vince is practically dragging his feet on the floor. I first thought it was because the visitor sticker on his pants is ruining his adidas ensemble, but as we continue the tour I'm guessing it's something deeper.

"You good?" I ask as my parents admire the campus. Vince keeps his eyes on Melody and tiredly tries to run his hands through his hair.

"Yea just not here," he says a little under his breath.

"Then where are you?" I whisper. Melody is about to turn around and stop her tangent.

"In a place where there is no college, and just Vicki and her 17th birthday," he whispers back. Oh right Vicki's birthday is coming up. I knew there was something coming up I just couldn't put my finger on it. Yes, right before thanksgiving break there's golden girl Vicki's birthday.

I pipe up a little bit, "Is there going to be a party?" Vince shakes his head at my response then gives me a little nod.

"Vince are amazing star player are you with us?" Melody interrupts. Vince bounces his head up and plasters a smile on his face.

"Yes yes Melody of course please continue, and I've just noticed that butterfly pin you have on your shirt. Those are my favorite insects by far." With one look Melody's concerned look turns into a smile and Vince's charm has successfully worked again. Boy you know you don't have a favorite insect.

"Oh why thank you Vince did you know there are 24,000 species of butterflies!" She squeals.

"I did not, they're such amazing creatures."

"He gets that from you," my mom jokes quietly to my dad. Vince does get his mood changing smile from my father who regularly claims he was a charmer on the cold streets of the Bronx when he was younger.

Finally the tension between my parents dissolves and Melody spends the next 5 minutes talking about her love for monarch butterflies.

When she redirects herself back to the tour Vince and I don't bother whispering and instead text each other about Vicki's birthday. Since it's their last year in highschool and maybe together Vince can't think of anything good enough to get her. How sweet.

While Melody explains San Diego's history Vince and I debate about anything that could potentially be a gift. We were just about to text Jada and see if she knows what Vicki wants, but Dani snitched on us and my mom snatches our phones. I told Vince to put shit on low brightness, but no he had to go and light up his whole face.

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