38| Strawberry Blonde

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I get to school early to get some time to study for my geometry test in the library. The lady who works there I don't know her name but in my head it's Ms. Librarian. She loves me because I never forget to ask about her day, and when she forgets her bifocals I keep a smile on my face and don't turn into that bothered customer. Last year I lost my Of Mice of Men book and at a cost of $12 I have no intention in finding it, but that doesn't stop Ms.Librarian from praising me for being nice and comparing me to the rowdy people who frequent the library. One of these people being Vince and his crowd who use the library as a shelter for when it rains.

"Goodmorning Daya," she says when I stroll in the doors.

"Goodmorning," I say and flash a smile.

There is no one here and I sit in the best table towards the front of the library where the heater is and I can drink my kombucha without being caught.
I take out my geometry papers and try my best to not look at my phone which outside of the library I've been doing a lot. I get through some problems, but numerous shapes and formulas swarm around my head. The library doors open and I take my eyes off of my crumbled papers.

"Good morning Dylan," Ms. Librarian says and turn my head to the side. I thought I was the only student she called by name.

"Good morning, you look gorgeous today," Dylan says and flashes a little smile. What a kiss up. Dylan then turns to look at me and walks right up to my table. He's no longer depressed and back to his normal wanna a be hype beast outfits with a big smile across his face.

He pulls out a chair and narrows his eyes at me, "Can I sit here?" The whole library is empty, yet he wants to sit at my table, weird, then again it is the best table.

"Here?" I whisper.

"Yes this is the best table," he says and proceeds to pull out a seat. I flinch a little at his response, but he doesn't notice. First Ms.Librarian greets him now he knows the geographics of the library, he's moving out of the cocky football player box I put him in, and I'm impressed. I revert my eyes from him as he takes out his supplies, and trace over my name on my paper.

"You good," He asks and eyes my paper. I've traced over my name so much it's bolded and the lead on my mechanical pencil breaks.

"Yes," I say. He nods and I look back at my paper. I'm about to pull out another cheat sheet, but a light bulb goes off in my head. Why am I being so standoffish to this good looking smart guy who's choosing to be nice to me? Ziyah kissed another girl and won't text me or look at me in the halls, until I get a clear answer from Ziyah why don't I get some?

"Actually can you help me with this problem."

"What kind?" He licks his bottom lip and puts his pencil on top of his ear.

"Geometry," I say dryly.

"Oh ok," he says.

He moves from his seat and sits in the chair right next to me. He doesn't smell like the cinnamon scent I've gotten used to, and he has a weird manly man smell that hits me right in my nose.

Dylan takes my paper and scans my paper. He does a nod then stops and squints at the paper. "Two plus two is four otherwise you're on the right track." He slides the paper to me and I can feel his smile as I look closely at my paper. On the problem I've been struggling to find x with sure enough in my early stages of the problem I wrote 2+2=5.

"Thanks," I say and begin erasing the whole problem.

"No problem."

In a matter of minutes I solve the problem without looking at my cheat sheet, and Dylan doesn't take his eyes off of me.

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