56| Valentines Day

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Like every other time I've taken my braids out Sawyer and are the only ones at home as I begin putting my fake hair into a Ralph's bag. Unlike every other time, it's Valentine's day and Harper keeps sending me beautiful pictures of her and Navia at the grove. They're both in cute red dresses smiling because they're so happy to be together proving all my thoughts about Navia not being into Harper wrong. Like the thoughts about Ziyah wanting to be with me.

Following my usual take out routine, I put my braids into four sections and keep my detangling comb right next to me. As Sawyer bounces in her playpen I breeze through the first two sections but stop when my phone begins to buzz. Going against my hopes that it's Ziyah wishing me happy valentine's day my mom's contact appears.

Mom: I love you and you're beautiful baby. Under that is a picture of a pink teddy bear like the ones my dad used to give me on Valentines day. I don't know why she's being all genuine all of the sudden, but a little bit of the stress I had leaves me.

Me: I love you too.

At least I have my parents who like me.

After a few episodes of My Little Pony which Sawyer is amazed by I put her in her crib, and start working on my last section of frizzy braids. As I unbraid I keep my phone right next to me to see more Valentine's day pictures. This time they're not just from Harper, but from Vince as well who is taking Vicki to Marie Calendars along with Jada and her baseball player.

The picture is of Vicki in the middle of scarfing down a huge piece of pie. There's whipped cream on her red glossed lips, and her eyes are so focused on the pie she doesn't see the camera. I should be holding my stomach laughing, but instead, I burst into tears. Damn. Valentine's day is stupid, and just a way for chocolate manufacturers to make more money, but the day would've been less dumb and pointless if Ziyah was watching me eat a slice of white chocolate raspberry pie.

He has still has yet to give me a solid reason for why we're on a break, and for now, that's fine with me because I already have plenty of reasons. Most of them are vain and have something to do with my appearance. Even with Ziyah's lack of explanation I still type up a letter every day, letters that are too perfect to be sent. Stopping the wave of thoughts about Ziyah and how good his arms feel around my waist, I knock out on the couch with most of my curly hair and a few braids left.

My eyes flutter open when Sawyer begins her little mumbles, and I remove my cheek from the kind of comfortable surface of my couch. Damn, that was a good nap. My mom's going to kill me for sleeping with my glasses on, but what she doesn't know can't hurt her. After doing a dramatic lawn I check my phone and shock comes over me as it looks like Vince's. Text light up my screen and while some are pictures of the people I know celebrating Valentine's day there are two texts from Ziyah and the second my eyes scan them I jump off of the couch.

Ziyah: Daya I know you're mad, but I want to talk. i'm coming over.

Ziyah: Harper was the one who told me you're home alone by the way.

Being assertive didn't seem to be apart of the many characteristics Ziyah possesses so props to him, but FUCK. If Harper wasn't enjoying her day eating macaroons I would take my anxiety out on her, but instead I begin pacing and biting my nails. Not only did I take 95% of my hair out, but I have tear stains on my face, crooked glasses from my nap, and to top that all off Ziyah's hoodie draped over me. Some common sense gets knocked into me, and I stop pacing and frantically take the rest of my braids out. The eye of the tiger blares in my mind as I budge everytime I hear a noise in fear Ziyah is on the other side of my door. This has to be the only time I don't want him to captivate me with his hazel eyes.

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