5|Whos Vicki?/Dont be a hoe

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The first 4 periods of Monday went by pretty fast, mostly because I spent most of the class periods writing ideas for a new script. In the beginning of second period the homecoming queen and king nominations were announced. I was trying to get my homework finished literally at the last minute so I only heard the two names that were important to me, Vicki Prevez and Vince Price.

  I already promised to go to the homecoming game just to see if Vince and Vicki's tables of friends will lead them to wearing plastic crowns, and reassuring everyone that they're the cutest couple. I hate to admit it, but they're are the cutest they both have names that are nicknames and before they started dating at the beginning of the school year for 3 years they were just best friends.

"Daya?" someone shouts as I'm about to enter my french class while the end of lunch bell rings. I scan the crowded halls of students not going to their classes to see Vicki with a huge smile on her face and all of her hair slicked into a bun.

"Hey," I hesitate as I see Jada behind her in sweats and slides. Good thing I'm just wearing a plain black tee, and not someone who is going to haunt her.

"Can you do me a huge favor girl?"

"Uhh sure."

"This is your 5th period right?" she points to my french class where some of my classmates are standing outside talking.

"Yes." It is my class and I would like to go inside it. She pulls me over right beside the door of my classroom and oddly looks through the small rectangle at the few kids who are in the classroom one of them being Harper.

"Him! Do you know him?" She taps the door with her red acrylic nail. Her red nail is directed right at Ziyah who sits in his chair talking to Lindsey, she's australian and she has to be the most annoying person not because she's australian, because she's just wants to know everyone's conversation.  The rest of the sophomore class just loves her though, but it's not like I'm in love with them.

"Yeah that's Ziyah he was at that the party."

"Vicki don't worry about it," Jada whines still behind Vicki with a frown.

"Oh shut up, Daya can you do me a favor and tell Ziyah not to give Jada any weed even if she practically begs." Vicki scolds Jada who still looks like she's wasted.

"I don't really know Ziyah that well." We've seriously only had one conversation, and that involved smoke being blown into my face. The bell rings loudly changing my decision "fine i'll talk to him," I agree.

"Thank you so much Daya." Vicki quickly runs off down the hall. I hear her tell someone to vote for her and Vince for homecoming and quickly go inside my classroom.

I quickly take notes on the vocabulary terms on the board waiting for a moment when Madame isn't paying attention so I can awkwardly talk to Ziyah.  Sooner or later Una and Fernando two of the main gossipers in this class will start to tell eachother about all the crazy stuff that happened this weekend, and that will be my window.

"Did you get the tea sister? I'm dead." Una doesn't bother taking out a pencil and flips her micro braids that took twice as long as mine over to Fernando, a loud out of the closet junior.

Unna's literally the skinnier and honestly prettier version of me. Her box braids are thinner, she has contacts, and an extreme amount of confidence that makes her come off as extremely bitchy.

She wasn't always like this in middle school we were sort of on the same level when she wore glasses and her pressed hair in a bun all of the time. All of this changed in 8th grade, not gradually but very abrupt. One day the glasses were gone, the leggings turned into skirts, and "her hair," was to her back.

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