8| The Step Back

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Today there is  another football game, but thank god this one is an away game at Torrence, so there is not as much school spirit as there was last week. Instead of the marching band walking around during lunch I've seen 4 homecoming proposals all of which involved kissing and ooey gooey crap.

I've also got asked by 5 people (all girls who obviously don't want to take me) if I'm going and they for some reason get really disappointed when I give them my answer. I can't, I have to take my braids out.

"Here she comes," Harper jumps up and down with her notecards in her hands. We're in our French class and lunch just ended. For some reason Harper chose now to ask Navia to homecoming in French, making it the 5 homecoming proposal that I'm going to see this week. Yay more ooey gooey crap. To make it more romantic the lights are turned off and there is just one lit candle in the middle of the room. Madame doesn't seem to care in fact she loves the idea she's sitting behind her desk with the same look of anticipation Harper has.

"Ok here we go," Hannah, one of Navia's friends from the soccer team says and takes out her phone, going to Snapchat.

"God this is going to be so cute I can't," one of Harper's asb acquaintances whines.

The door slowly creaks open and I press play on the random French song only to see Ziyah walk in confused as hell.

"Uhhh why are you here early?" Harper whines and stomps on the ground like a little child.

"Cause I can be, sorry to disappoint," Ziyah responds then oddly stands next to me by the door. He should really stand in front of me so he can see I found my glasses wipe and used it this morning.

"Is this some fancy homecoming proposal?" He asks leaning against the doorway as chill as possible. From what I see he's always so chill about everything it's hard to believe he shares the same genes as always piped up Sofia. 

"Who is she proposing to?" He fiddles with one of  his thinner dreads, making me stop playing with the ends of my braids. So asking a bunch of questions runs in the family.

"Navia Lenin her girlfriend."

"Wait shes-"Ziyah does a double take and looks at Harper's smile than back to my smirk.

"Uh huh, knew since she was 13." If we were talking about anyone else I would've kept that information to myself, but if Harper had the time or sat next to him she would tell Ziyah everything.

"Shit, Good for her."


The door opens and Navia Lenin walks in a red body hugging dress with white Air Force a1's, looking like she knew this photo opportunity was going to happen. Harper is also dressed for cameras in her red polka dot fit and flare dress.

I totally forgot to press the music button with Ziyah practically breathing on my neck, but Harper doesn't notice when I start it late. I mean he isn't harshly breathing down my neck, but he's close just like he was in the after school program.

"Navia Lenin Vous êtes belle, intelligente et drôle s'il vous plaît aller à les retrouvailles avec moi j'aimerais beaucoup." Harper says ditching her normal  American tone, for a fancy French accent. Now they're a bunch of phones pointing at Harper and waiting for Navia to say what we all know  she's going to say.

"Yes I will," Navia shouts and her and Harper meet in the middle of the crowd for a big hug. Without any hesitation and forgetting Madame is in the corner of the room Harper puts her hands on Navia's pink cheeks and presses her lips onto hers.

After 3 seconds of this kiss Navia does and awkward step back while Harper is still smiling. Blinded by how amazing it is to have an out gay couple in our school no one notices the weird step back or Navia's overly surprised expression and just cheers for them before they scurry off to their 5th periods. Oh boy.

Good thing Harper's smile is big enough for her and Navia to share, because Navia face is flushing up and it's not a cute I'm in love with you flush. It's a shit that just happened flush. She's doing a great job trying to hide her uncertainty as she gives Harper a peck on the cheek and runs out of the class leaving Harper with her usual smile.

"That was so cute Harper," Fernando says as he walks into the classroom with just his binder. Navia did such a good job at pretending she was happily in like she fooled even Fernando who normally can see bullshit very clearly. Well she didn't fool me, I'm probably the only one who saw it, but then again I do spend lunch and nutrition people watching so I know basic human body language.

"Did you see that step back?" Ziyah whispers as we head to our seats. So I wasn't the only one.The first thing I notice is Lindsey isn't here today thank god. I'm not getting my hopes up yet though, most of our class enjoys to come right after the bell.

"Totally I thought I was the only one."

"Someone may not be as interested as one seems." We both look over at Harper who's cheeks our still red with excitement and happiness.

"Yea someone may be experimenting," I say as Ziyah and I take our seats. He shakes his head with a little smirk and pops his earbud in. I feel bad for Harper, but if they break up at least she got some head out of it. Not that I would know what that feels like, but I did watch Sex and the City and the way Samantha moans I'm sure it's a good feeling that takes away from the step back.

"Did I miss anything?" Lindsey asks as she scurries into the classroom and turns to her little group that excludes me. Yes bitch you missed a homecoming proposal, and the girl getting asked not even wanting to passionately kiss her girlfriend.

It's probably because I really dislike Lindsey, but I really hope Ziyah doesn't tell Lindsey about the step back when he gives her Kyle, and Brandon the run down of his day.

Just like I hope he keeps me being at the afterschool program a secret, not because I'm embarrassed, but because I liked the moment we had there and I think it would just be better concealed. To my surprise he doesn't tell which makes me believe I can pick up good mechanical pencils off of the ground without a word from him.

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