First day of senior year

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chapter 1

First day of senior year. I'm getting ready and I don't know what to wear so I text my three best friends Rebecca, Ashley and Mayhoo to get on skype so they could help me pick out what to wear. (we do this every year). 

"Okay guys this is like a 911 I really don't know what to wear!! You know the most 5 hotties boys go to our school and I really hope I can get on of them this year!" said Liv.

"Liv! You are so crazy girl! okay so what do you have picked out so far?" said Ashley

"Yea what do you have picked so far?" asked Rebecca

"Liv what ever you pick you will look fine in." said Mayhoo

"okay so I have this really cute dress that is all black and the back is kinda open with high heel, or should I wear this shirt with shorts and shoes?" asked Liv

"THE BLACK DRESS!!!" screamed Rebecca , Ashley and Mayhoo

"Okay I'll see you at school!!" said Liv

Liv wasn't that lucky of a girl she lived with her mom and sister that she couldn't stand. Her dad was never in the picture and never will be. She was one of those girls that had an eatting issue and cared what everyone thought about her. She only had three best friends and thats all she wanted.

"HEY! LIV OVER HERE!!" Ashley yelled at the top of the stairs leading to the school.

She couldn't believe it, it was their last year there.

"OMG! That dress looks amazing I totally have to borrow that from you" Rebecca demanded.

"We should really go get our schedule. We better have classes together or I'm going to die!" Mayhoo said being all dramaticly.

The girls walk to the office and on their way there the most hotties guys walked in Zayn the bad boy of the group, Louis the sassy one that everyone knew not to fuck with but they all wanted to be friends with him because they knew he would be there to tell someone off, Niall the cute little blonde that was the most caring and sweeties to everyone around him, Harry the one who was the player and never really had one girl at a time, and last was Liam he was so sweet and acted like a dad to all his friend and next to Liam was his gf Danielle she was the most beautiful girl in the school and everyone wanted to be her!

Liv started to freak out because she never been in the same place and the same time as Harry. She had feeling for him since 6th grade and she knew not to.

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