a long day.

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Chapter 24

"Liv wake up we are going to be late to school" Harry shaking her to wake up

Liv couldn't believe how fast everything was going, Last night just keep replaying in her head and she couldn't believe that one thing happen. She didn't expect that to happen. That was the last thing she ever planed on doing with Harry for a long time

"I'm up ! I'm up"

"if you don't hurry up I'm leaving you here and I'm not driving you to school"

"fine! I'm out of bed happy now"

"Yes very"

Harry walked over to Liv and gave her a good morning kiss. Liv walked over to go grab her glasses so she could see.

"Last night was amazing Harry"

"Well there will be more nights like that. but now we have to go to school and you have work later"

They both got ready and drove to school. Liv phone was going off because of emails. She forgot to turn her emails off and once again it was all from tumblr. Liv and Harry walked to first hour and everyone was looking at them and talking about her. once they got to class Harry handed Liv the keys so she could drive home once school was over since they took her car. Liv started to look at her emails cause she wanted to see what they all said. once again it was all hate. Liv was about to cry. She couldn't cry in the middle of class.


"Yes liv?"

"can I please leave I need to go someone where"

"Sure but make sure you don't get caught okay?"

Harry was in the bathroom so he didn't know she left. Liv ran out the door and all the girls in her class just looked at her and Laugh, Liv ran to her car crying and she drove to her favorite place in the whole world no one knew about. It was a cliff that over looked the ocean. That was the place she could be alone and cry and no one would ever find her.

Harry p.o.v

Harry came back to the bathroom to find Liv gone.

"Mr.sha where is Liv?"

"She left, I could see the pain in her eyes and I let her go."

"Oh no. not again.."

"what's going on harry?"

"everyone is giving her hate because we are dating"

"oh go find her and make sure she is okay"

"Thank you" Right as harry was leaving the class as he reached the door he turned around and face the class

"You people should be a shame of your self's. Now you know why I didn't pick any of you and didn't want to deal with your shit. Before you go send my gf another hate message on tumblr that I know one of you people leaked out you should go look in the mirror and say the shit you are saying to her to your self because you are just describing your self's to her. And fuck off okay, You sending hate to her isn't going to make me break up with her it's going to bring me and her closer and be more in love so I'm going to thank you for that part. Now fuck off"

Harry ran out of the class room and found zayn in the hall

"Hey zayn can I borrow your car?"

"Yea what's going on?"

"Liv left school because everyone keep giving her hate"

"do you want me and mayhoo to come with you?"

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