Harry and liv

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Chapter 23

It was time for them all to leave, Harry and Liv went back to the house. Harry had to go get ready for work and Liv had off.

"Bye babe I'll be back in a few hours I promise" he said as he kissed her

"Okay bye!"

she pulled his arm and got on her tiptoes to give him one last kiss good bye, Liv went up stairs to get in the shower once she got out she went on tumblr. That website was her life. she had a new anon message she open it and it said

'You are such an ugly hoe, He just feels sorry for you! Who would ever date you. I feel sorry for you! You should just go kill yourself no one likes you bye!

Just a friendly tip'

Liv couldn't believe someone from school had found her tumblr she just ignored it and went down stairs to watch a movie. Liv feel asleep for a few hours. it was an half an hour before Harry came so she went back up stairs to her room to go look cute for him and she had to check her tumblr one last time. She had 100 plus message from so many people there was like 5 that were nice but the rest were all hate and people calling her name and telling her she was ugly and fat. Liv heard a knock on her door. she was crying and she didn't want to see who it was it so she ran to her bathroom

"Liv are you in there" harry said as he keep knocking on the door

"Liv! Are you in here!? Liv !!" Harry walked in to her room and didn't see here anywhere she realized her bathroom door was shut.

"Liv are you in here?"

"Go away!"

"Liv what's wrong"

Liv was just on her bath room floor with her head in her hands she couldn't take this hate anymore she didn't want it.

"LIv I'm coming in here"

"Harry please go away!"

"Liv whats wrong!"

Harry ran over to her and sat next to her and pulled her into his arm,

"Liv what's going on talk to me!"

"My tumblr got around school some how and people where sending me hate telling me to go kill my self, I'm ugly, Fat, And you feel sorry for me that's why you are dating me. and all this stuff."

"Liv you can't listen to them you aren't fat! you are the most prettiest girl I've ever dated or even seen. You are so special to me and this is gross I will deal with this later and I'm taking your computer away from you for the rest of the night okay? but come with me okay" He picked her up and took her in front of the mirror

"you see that girl right there I want you to tell her she is pretty skinny and one sexy piece of work okay!"


"Do it!"

"That girl right there is......"she started to whisper

"I want to hear you say it I don't care if you have to yell it !"

"That girl right there is pretty and skinny"


She couldn't keep a straight face and started to get a smile "One sexy piece of work...Really harry you had to make me say that"

"Yea I want you to know that okay!"

"Thank you"

Harry turned her to him so now that their body was face to face Liv had to look up at him since he was like a freaking tree

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