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Chapter 14

It was already Monday and Liv hasn't heard from Harry since Saturday morning. She didn't know what was going on and Danielle didn't know anything. The only think she told her was about 7th grade And Liv knew they broken up but not the reason. Liv wanted to let him know she wasn't like the other girls. She liked hanging out with Harry and the things he did for her and treated her and that was all that matter. She meet up with the girls and walked to first hour with them

"omg I can't wait till lunch" Rebecca told them

"Oh why so you and Niall can eat everyting in sight?" Mayhoo asked joking

"Shut up. It's not my fault I like to freaking eat okay!" Rebecca yelled at Mayhoo

"So Liv did you hear from Harry or anything that was going on?" Ashley asked

"No" liv frowned

"I talked to Danielle Saturday night and she was going to find out stuff the only thing she knew was why he acts the way he does because of 7th grade and what happen with him and that girl." Liv answered

"Well maybe today he will talk to you...?" Ashley said with a question.

"I hope.. It just upsets me because all this stuff he done for me and he told me he really liked me and now he just blew me off... I'm going to give him space." Liv told her

"Well He's in your first hour just don't look at him. And just play it cool. okay? Plus if you want we don't have to eat lunch with them all today." Ashley told her.

"OH SHIT! I fucking forgot all about that...Great." Liv yelled

"It's okay you don't have to at least we get to leave early tomorrow we will all go out to lunch and leave it for tomorrow and not today?" Ashley told her

"No we can eat with them it's cool I'l just not sit next to him or look at him...As much as I will want to I'll hold my power back"

"Okay well we all better get to class or we going to get in trouble" Ashley told them

"bye" the girls said to each other as the all walked different ways

Liv walked into her first hour right as the late bell went off and she realized Harry wasn't there. She knew something was wrong and she couldn't put her figure on it. She hoped his dad didn't kill him since he didn't come home Friday night and he texted him to get home! Liv just sat there and thought about her whole weekend.


Rebecca p.o.v

"Hey Niall"

"Hey Rebecca come here!" as he grabbed her and gave her the world famous Horan hug

"omg You give the best hugs ever :D"

"I've been told, I missed you over the weekend! I wanted to text you but I didn't know if you were busy and I didn't want to brother you at all." Niall told her all shy

"Oh it's okay I'm never busy you can always text me :D"

"oh well I can't wait for lunch today I brought you something really special....well I did. I kinda ate it already....sorry."

"It's okay I would have done the same thing I eat anything in my sight!" she told him joking around

the bell rang and he grabbed her hand and walked her to her next class. She couldn't believe how fast everything was moving...


Mayhoo p.o.v

Before she could walk threw the door someone grabbed her.

"Hey lets skip this class I want to take you someone where. we wont miss anything I promise ;)" He told her as he winked

"Okay but you are going to pay for this if I get my ass in trouble!" she told him as she pushed him

"I promise you are going to love this!"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs to the roof. It was a really windy day and Mayhoo was wearing a dress and her dress and hair where flying every where.

"I know I'll never get the chance to do this but I wanted to do this in my favorite place ever in the world." He told her

Omg what was about to happen...She couldn't think straight

"I know we just met but I can't stop thinking about you. I really think I like you." He started to blush

"I want to know if you want to go out for dinner tonight.?" he asked

"I would love to Zayn."

"I can't wait!! I'll pick you up at 5? oh and I have a gift coming to your house :)"

" I can't wait ! oh and plus I heard we all have a lunch date together so we will be having two dates in one day." Mayhoo said joking

"Oh great! I'll make sure to sit next to you ;)"

Right when he was about to kiss her the bell went off.

"Hurry we will be late for the next class!" as she ran to the stairs

He just looked at her he couldn't believe how cute she looked

"are you coming?!"

"yea I'm coming" he ran right up to her kissed her on the cheek and put his arm around her. He walked her to her 2nd hour and walked away.

Mayhoo couldn't believe this. She was so shock and couldn't believe she had a date!


Ashley p.o.v

As ashley walked into class she saw louis. Louis got up and followed her to her seat

"Well hello Beautiful" as he said sitting right behind her and whispered into her ear

Ashley turned around

"Hello Lou :D"

"How was your weekend?" he asked

"it was really nice How about you?"

"It was nice but something was missing..."

"oh really? and what would that be a gf? " she said joking

"yea. It was a nice weekend for one. but the girl I wanted to spend it with I don't have her number so you see there is an issue."

"oh really well why don't you go get it from her then?"

Louis got up and acted like he was walking to the girl. Ashley was all upset she really thought he liked her. she just looked at her phone then heard a voice

"Excuse me miss. can I have you number please because I lost mine?" he said trying to be all cute

"omg. you suck!" she pushed him!

"sorry :D. can I make it up to you?"

"sure..I guess."

"okay I'll text you with what I'll make it up with :D"

"okay Lou"

the teacher started to yell at Lou for standing up.

"Louis !! Sit down right now! This is not middle school find a seat and sit your butt in it now!"

Louis sat in the seat right behind Ashley. He just played with her hair the whole class period. She didn't care He was so amazing. It was time for 2nd hour.

"hey I'll text you later okay ;)"

"Okay Lou"

Louis had class all the the way on the other side of the school and he couldn't walk Ashley to class He felt so bad. but Hey at least they will see each other at lunch

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