Lunch time

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Chapter 5

'Hurry up guys I'm hungry as fuckkkkkkkk!" rebecca said holding her tummy

The girls walked to their lunch table that they always sat at since Freshman year that was their table and everyone knew that. They had the best time there plus it was a great view of the boys ;)

"okay you guys go get your lunch and I'll wait here" Said Liv

Liv is not much of a eater. she will have a few bits of something and that's it. The girls knew not to push her into eating because it would just pissed her off.

"okay Liv and make sure no one takes our seats or I'll cut someone" Mayhoo said

"Well be quick I promise" said Ashley

The girls walked off and they were so worried about her

"Liv is really out of it I hope she is okay I wonder if her family said something to her this morning before she left." said Ashley

"I hope not" mayhoo said all worried.

The girls got back to their table to find Liv just sitting there on twitter

"did you eat what ever you brought today?" Asked Rebecca

"no I didn't have enough time I woke up late and I didn't want to deal with you know..."

"Here do you want any of this?"ask Mayhoo

"No I'm not hungry but thank you"

The girls talked about how their first hour was so amazing and how lucky they were. Lunch was over and they went on to their next class the only had two more and they were out.

The girls walked into their 6th hour and everyone was there! Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Danielle and even Harry.

"hey over here!" said Niall

The girls walked over to where they all were sitting. Liv sat right next to Harry and the rest of the girls sat by who they liked.

"hey! you are that girl that I ran into in the hall" said Harry laughing

"yea...That's me" she said

"well I'm Harry"

"oh I know that. Everyone knows who you guys are! you guys are like the most famous people ever in this school" she said trying not to laugh

"well what is your name?" he asked

"oh sorry I'm liv"

"Oh that's a pretty name" he told her

"Well thank you"

was this some kind of joke today just got really weird.

The girls just sat there talking to their crush and Liv just sat there and Harry just walked out of class with Liam to go get paper sign. Danielle felt bad and walked over to sit next to her.

"Hey! I'm Danielle, you must be Liv right?

"yup that's me, The one and only." Liv said laughing

"I've never seen you around are you new?" she asked

"no. I've been going here since freshman year. I've see you around though...not to seem creepy lol! you are always with Liam. you guys have been together for so long!"

"yup tomorrow makes our 5th year together. He's the one and only. He's so amazing." she said.

The boys came back and Liam walked over to Danielle.

"Oh I leave you alone for 2 minutes and you already made a new friend! now I have to work even harder to keep you to my self! " he said Joking

"LIAM! haha. She was here all by her self I thought it would be rude to just leave her alone. Harry just walked away!" Danielle said

"It's okay Love" Liam answered

"oh By the way Liam this Is Liv, She so sweet and Nice! we all should hang out in a group I always feel left out when I'm the only girl with the boys and I'm just there by myself." Danielle said.

"how about we all have lunch together Liam asked

"tomorrow since we can't leave early  till next week sadly"

"sure! we would love to " liv added

"okay see you guys tomorrow come on Danielle we have some uh....Papers we need to work on..." Liam said all shy

The bell was about to ring and it was time for them to go home

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