Harry and Liv

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Chapter 31

It was in the middle of the night and Liv was having the worse dream ever, she was moving and Harry felt her and woke up, He woke up Liv to make sure she was okay

"Liv, Hey babe. Are you okay? you never move this much in the middle of the night"

"what.? omg it was just a dream omg!"

Liv started to cry

"What happen? babe don't cry"

"omg harry it was so bad, I had a dream that you got to the worse accendent ever! and you died! Harry-"

she couldn't even finish she was crying so bad

"babe, I'm right here, I promise you I'm not going anywhere! come here"

Harry pulled her close into him kissed her forehead

"everything will be okay, don't worry I'm here and I will be when we wake up in the morning I promise. go back to sleep okay?"

"okay, I don't know what I would do with out you."

Liv looked up at him and gave him a kiss before she started to fall back to sleep on him, he was half asleep but he didn't care, he wanted to stay up and make sure she was okay, he just laid there played with her hair and rubbed her back. he then just started to sing her favorite song, his voice was so amazing. He just whispered

"you will be safe and I love you"

into her ear. He finally fell to sleep after half an hour, It was already morning and Liv woke up to a knock on the door.

"hey guys I made breakfast if you want some down stairs"

"oh thank you! but I think we are going to sleep for a little more, Harry just fell back to sleep because I woke him up..."

"okay well when ever you want come down stairs it will be there"

Harrys mom said with a smile and just left. Liv got up and got Harrys laptop since she was to lazy to go get her own. She took a picture of harry and posted on tumblr saying look at how adorable my boyfriend is. Then she went on blogging cute little pictures, she then finally got up and went into the shower and she forgot to log out, Harry finally woke up and went on his laptop to see her tumblr page logged in and he saw the picture, He started to laugh, Then he hacked it by posting the cuties little quote ever on it. Liv finally came back into harry's room with his sweats on and a half cut shirt on.

"oh look who is up!"

"Where did you go?"

"Well some people have to take a shower you know"

"I should really get in"

Liv walked over to the bed where harry was sitting up

"oh I saw the post you posted"

"why you stalking my tumblr again?"

"I didn't you left the page open" he said with a big smile

"well you looked so cute so I wanted to share with the world. and thank you for last night."

"don't worry, no matter how many bad dreams you have I'll always stay up for you"

"not just for that, For the party and the gifts"

"oh which one was your favorite" he winked at her

"HARRY!!!" she said as she pushed him playing

Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the bed and got on top of her

"You should really watch what you do to me because I'm stronger then you plus I just wanted to do this"

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