The scare

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chapter 36

Harry p.o.v

It's been a few days since Harry and Liv got back from their trip and liv was being very distance from Harry, she didn't know what to do. Something was really bothering her and he was going to find out

" Liv it's time for school wake up"

"um..I'll meet you there I have to do a few things and I'll be there, I'll see you later though"

"okay I get out of work early today so I'll see you at 8"

"okay bye I love you"


Liv didn't say I love you back...something really had to be wrong. Harry called Louis to meet him and talk at school before class

"Hey Harry whats up?"

"Liv she's acting really weird...Like ever since we got back from the trip. She didn't even say I love you this morning!" 

"You should really talk to her, that doesn't seem like her, did something happen when you two were gone or happen since you got back?"

"well WE had sex like at least everyday we were there....but since we came so I doubt its that.. and plus we have alot on our plates right now."

"Well maybe she will show up and talk to her"

The bell rang and the boys just walked to class Harry walked into class and Liv wasn't there, something was really wrong


Liv p.o.v

omg I didn't say I love you back! omg what is wrong with me!! omg!! 

Liv was freaking out so much was going through her mind and there was only one person who would understand the most


Liv called up mayhoo to meet her before school started

"Hey can we meet I'll pick you up I really need someone to talk to"

"sure, if you want we can skip first hour I know a place we can talk at school so we can seem like we are there. you know" 

"okay I'm on my way"

Liv picked up mayhoo and drove to school. Mayhoo took Liv to Zayn's and her spot on top of the roof

"so what's going on liv you are kinda freaking me out.."

"Well you know how I haven't been here for like two weeks right?"


"Well we went to Ireland and london.."

"oh how was it! I want to know everything!!"

"every thing? are you sure?"


"well okay so we cuddled watched tv, sex, watched movies. sex,  he should me around london, Sex,  and He gave me this ring. and more sex. and yea that was it."

"wait repeat that?!"

"We watched movies?"

"no the very last thing you said like 5 times!"

"We had sex......" 

"yes!! and I thought me and zayn were bad!"

"you two are!"

"so what's the whole thing then....whats going on?"

"well lately I've been kinda pushing Harry away and something happened"

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