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Chapter 37

Every day Harry and Liv tried to keep busy by either doing their project, or going to work, and hanging with friends. They have been trying so hard to stay away from doing anything since they made a deal. it's been 3 weeks and Harry was losing all control he couldn't wait any longer everything she did, The way she dress. Some nights Liv had to sleep in her own room so nothing would happen. Liv on the other hand some times wanted to, When harry walked around in his beanies and just in his boxers she couldn't control her self that much. It was their 7 month anniversary and Harry had something planned months before they made this whole deal but it wasn't going to stop him.


Harry p.o.v

today is the big day! he couldn't wait to spend the whole day with her, he walked into liv's room to wake her up and take her out for some breakfast but he wanted to do it in a sweet way but then again he didn't want anything to happen so instead he just knocked on her door to make sure she wasn't up yet.

"Liv are you up?"

there was no answer so Harry walked into her room and she wasn't there he notice her bathroom door was closed and he knocked on it and still no answer he was starting to get a little worried.


Liv p.o.v

Liv woke up and she notice what to day was she wanted to start her day off with getting in the shower and having her music on but not to loud to wake up any one she heard a knock on her door but she didn't want to open it because she didn't want harry to see her in her towel, even though she loved to tempt him, she knew that it would cause him to go  crazy and she found it fun to do that to him, but some times she couldn't stand doing it. she then finally then open the door to see Harry on her bed


"Well good morning love, How did you sleep last night?"

"good, my bed was kinda lonely but you know..."

"Well we are trying to be good and well it kinda makes it hard some nights."

"Yea well I'm gonna get I don't know if you want to be in here or...."

"Okay just come into my room when you are ready I have a surprise to start the day."

"sounds good"

Harry got up and gave liv a kiss, That was one of the best way to start off any day. She got ready and she didn't know what to wear so she just but on some jeans, a nice shirt and heals so she didn't have to be so short near Harry. She finally got all done and walked in to harry room and as she was about to open the door he was just about to drop his towel and she slammed the door shut, Why was he doing this to her!

"Liv is that you?"

"Yes, sorry I should have knocked!"

"no it's fine I have pants on now you can come in"

Harry opened the door and he was shirtless, his abs were calling her name, that big smile he had with his dimples showing that gave her feels so bad, and then his Hair. he just loved to flip his hair and that drove her crazy,

"Harry. um just meet me down stairs,"


Liv ran down the stairs to call mayhoo she needed someone to talk to

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