The mall

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Chapter 16

After school they went to the mall to go pick out dresses for the ball. Danielle meet up with them there since her and Liam had to go somewhere first

"Dan better hurry up and get here or I'm starting with out her!" mayhoo said being all sassy

"She will she just texted me telling me she be here in 5 minutes." Liv told her

"Well I'm hungry!!" Rebecca said rubbing her tummy

"some times I think you are pregnant!" Ashley yelled at here.

"well I might have a food baby?" Rebecca said laughing

"plus you kinda need a guy ;) " Mayhoo said joking to her

"Don't be mean now!" Liv yelled at Mayhoo

"okay mommy" Mayhoo snapped at Liv

some times Liv did feel like the mom to all them. She was the oldest out of the group by a year but it didn't matter she felt like she was really 24.

"Oh look she is here!" Rebecca yelled

"Hey Dan!!" liv greeted her by giving her a hug

"Lets hurry before all the good dresses are gone" Mayhoo grabbed there hands pulling them

"okay!! lets go girl!"Ashley said

"well I found this dress online and the store is in here so lets hit that place up first so I can see if they have it. They have amazing dresses that you guys would love" Liv told them

The girls walked to the store just talking about the kind of dresses they wanted

"Hello girls welcome is there anything I can help you with?" the lady asked them.

"yes I really want to try on this dress. We are having a masquerade ball at the school and I found this on-line and I fall in love with it." Liv said handing her the picture

The dress was a strapless mermaid top that was gray and lace. The bottom was black and it was a ball gown bottom.

"oh yes I know where that dress is please follow me" the lady told her

"Here you go the dressing room is right over there"

as liv went to go try on the dress the girls went looking for their's. Mayhoo found a blue dress that was strapless.The top was also a mermaid top. Right under where the bra area was was a piece of ribbon that was zebra striped. The bottom part of the dress was ball gown mix between Zebra and Blue. with bow ties on the hip area. Rebecca found her dress it was hot pink strapless, and it had sparkles everywhere.lace on the top of the dress and in the middle.

"this isn't far I can't find a dress in this place!" Ashley yelled

"well what color do you like?" the lady asked her

"PURPLE!!" She yelled at the lady

"I think I know the perfect dress for you come with me please"

Ashley followed the lady

Ashley had finally found her dress after 10 minutes of looking. it was the most amazing thing you could see. It was purple. IT was a strapless dress. the top was follow of diamond all over the top. The bottom was so fluffy it had bows all over it. it was also all ruffly . The girls all tried on there dress Danielle didn't like anything she saw there she deiced she was going to look some where else and left the girls to try on their dresses.

Liv, Ashley,Mayhoo and Rebecca all tired on their dress they couldn't believe how amazing they looked in it.

"omg Liv your dress look at you! I can't believe this! you look so amazing I bet you are going to get so many number!" Mayhoo told her

"And you Ashley look at the purple dress! you look amazing! Purple is totally your color" Liv told her

"Mayhoo that is totally something you would wear!! How did I know you would pick that!" Rebecca told her

"Guys we look amazing this weekend is going to be amazing!" Ashley told them

Mayhoo looked at her phone.

"guys I'm going to be late for my date!! We need to hurry up! or Zayn going to kill me!" mayhoo said all worried

"okay lets go tell the lady we want them and we will leave" Liv told her.

The took there dresses off and payed for them. The next thing the had to do was go look for mask and shoes and they were all done. But the  decided the would do that tomorrow. Right as they were leaving a modeling booth stopped them.

"hey girls! Has anyone told you you guys would make pretty models. We really need some people to take photos of in our new fall clothes collection. Here please take our card and let us know if you want to do it." As the man said as he handed us their card

"Would we get paid!" Mayhoo yelled in the back ground

"you sure would. We will talk about that all in the meeting if you guys want to do this" he told us

The week was starting off very well for the girls they couldn't believe what was happening..

"we will let you know. We all need to talk about it and we will call you" Ashley told the man

as they walked away they talked about it

"I really think we should do it" Mayhoo told them

"you just want more money Mayhoo!" Rebecca yelled at her.

"Well duh who doesn't"Ashley added in

"girls. Girls! calm down!" Liv said

"Well what do you think we should do Liv?" Ashley asked

"I think we should set up a meeting and see what they have to say to tell the truth" Liv said

"Well after this whole thing you better drive super fast so Mayhoo not late for date" Rebecca said joking

"okay girls lets hurry so we can help Mayhoo get ready for her date!" Liv said as she was getting in the car

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