The One With the Parts: Pt.1

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~°~°~°~°~Author's POV°~°~°~°~°~

(1) unread message from Jimin

Hey, are you up?

Jimin... it's 1 in the
morning, what do
Do you want?

Sorry hyung, I
can't sleep...

I need to confess


I think I might like

Are you serious? -.-

I'm not sure,
I've never felt
this way before...

Jimin, you always
say that.

No, I don't!

Remember Aye-sook
from last month?
You were certain
she was the one.

Okay, so I was
wrong about that
one... That doesn't
mean my feelings
for Melody aren't

Alright, then explain:
And that one you
met in Brazil at
our New Year's
Eve concert.

Alright, so I'm a
helpless romantic.
Sue me.

Jimin, that's six
girls in five months.
There's a difference
between being a
helpless romantic
and being a player.

That's not fair
hyung! This time
it's different! I

I'm sorry, but your
track record says
otherwise. I can't
let you do that to
Melody. She will
only be here for
two weeks and
then we will
probably never
see her again.
Just do us all a
favor and don't do
anything stupid.

She doesn't need
to go back home
with a broken heart.

~°~°~°~°~Namjoon's POV°~°~°~°~

After hearing Jimin's confession about Melody, I have issues falling back to sleep.

Of all the girls we come in contact with, why Melody? Is it because she didn't openly swoon all over him when they first met? Does he see it as a challenge?

What is his angle?

I know she's attractive but she's also a nice person who's feelings aren't to be played with.

Which is typically not Jimin's type. All his flings have been with fame-obsessed, gold diggers who were only interested in his money. No wonder they never lasted longer than a month if they lasted that long.

I understand he has the whole complex thing, where he grew up chubby and now everyone thinks he's hot and he can now have any girl he wants.

The thing is, he doesn't know what he wants. And now he has gotten drunk on the attention and doesn't care about the trail of broken hearts he leaves behind him.

Melody doesn't deserve to be his next victim. I just hope I got that across to him in my messages.

As I'm stressing over how to keep Jimin away from Melody, I hear footsteps in the hall.

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