The One With the Shower Incidents

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~°~°~°~°~°Jimin's POV°~°~°~°~°~

After the concert, we are all pretty tired but I'm not quite ready to fall asleep. It's a strange sensation, but I always get caught up in the high after a concert.

"피곤하니? (Are you tired?)" I ask Melody after pulling out my phone to translate so the conversation can flow better. We are now in the car heading back to the hotel.

"Not particularly, are you? (특히, 그렇지?)" She replies.

"아니, 우리가 호텔에 다시 돌아올 때 영화를보고 싶어? (No, would you want to watch a movie when we get back to the Hotel?)" I ask hoping she would be willing to.

She insists that I don't know her well enough to like her, so I want to change that. I plan on learning everything I can about her, just to prove her wrong.

"Depends, what are you thinking? (달렸어, 너 무슨 생각해?)"  She questions turning her face towards me so she can see more of my face in the dark car.

"글쎄요, 제가 가장 좋아하는 영화는 노트북입니다 ...하지만 아마 전에 보았을 것입니다. (Well, my favorite movie is the Notebook... but you've probably have seen it before.)" I say trying to think of other movie options she would be able to understand.

"Is that so? Here's a fun fact for you: I've actually never seen it before. (그래?  여기 재미있는 사실이 있습니다. 전에는 본 적이 없었습니다.)" She admits as she watches my expression.

All ever since leaving we have been going back and forth telling each other random "fun facts" about each other.

So far I have learned that her favorite color is Blue, she loves cats, she can, as she phrased it, 'sort of speak Spanish', she owns over two hundred books, and that her toes are webbed...

I thought that the last one was odd but she insisted at the time that it was one of her more endearing qualities.

Somehow I find myself more shocked that she hasn't seen the Notebook more so than I am about her toes.

"뭐?  그것도 어떻게 가능합니까 ??  그것은 가장 많이 본 영국 낭만주의 영화와 같습니다. (What? how is that even possible?? That is like the most watched English Romantic movie.)" I ask her in complete shock.

She giggles at my reaction, "Is it such a crime that I haven't seen it? (내가 본 적이없는 범죄입니까?)"

"예!  예, 그렇습니다!  우리가 이것을 고칠 수 있도록 나에게 고백 한 것이 행운입니다!  그것은 정착되었고, 우리는 오늘 밤 그것을 볼 것입니다! (Yes! Yes, it is! You are lucky that you confessed that to me so we can fix this! It's settled, we will watch it tonight!)" I say as I playfully drape my arm across her shoulders and gently pull her into my chest.

I know she said she wasn't tired but her body language says otherwise.

I've noticed many telltale signs of her emotions since she's arrived. Like how she fearlessly holds eye contact with everyone she talks to unless she is mad or embarrassed. When she's embarrassed, she keeps her head down and her ears turn pink. And when she's tired, she gets clingy as long as she doesn't see someone as a threat. I know this because I saw how entangled she was with Yoongi when he brought her up to her room after the first concert.

Just I thought, she doesn't pull away from me, instead, she snuggles a little closer until she is comfortable.

"You know, I forgot to ask you what your favorite color is. (너 좋아하는 색깔이 뭔지 물어 보는 걸 깜빡 했어.)" She sighs as she looks up to me waiting for my response.

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