The One With the Lies

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~°~°~°~°~Melody's POV°~°~°~°~°~

We all gathered in the penthouse conference room as PD Bang paced in front of us while we waited for Yoongi to come back.

No one knew where he went, just that he left this morning, and hasn't been heard from since. It's now dangerously close to the time for the concert and he hasn't answered any of the guy's phone calls or texts.

Despite me not wanting to talk to him, I find myself becoming more worried as the minutes tick by. I lean against the door frame as I watch the front door for what seems like hours.

They all turn around toward the door as we hear someone fumble with the doorknob. A lavender haired being stumbles in, practically tripping on himself.

Without a second thought, I rush to his side and wrap my arm around him in an attempt to steady him.

"Hellooo." he slurs as he snakes his arm around my waist and he pokes my cheek with his free hand. His breath is absolutely foul.

"Gah, where have you been? I've been worried sick! (가, 어디 있었 니? 나는 아프다고 걱정했다!" I scold him as I quickly pull out my phone so he will understand me.

"너는 meee에 대해 걱정했다? (You were worried about meee?)"

"Yes, you weren't responding to the boy's texts and calls! Ugh, have you been drinking? (예, 당신은 소년의 텍스트와 전화에 응답하지 않았습니다! 어, 술 마셨어?)" I ask quietly as I am barely able to drag him to the kitchen and prop him against the cabinets.

"아니, 내가 익사 한거야, 차이가있다. (No. I've been drowning, there is a difference.)" He sighs speaking clearly as the sober Min Yoongi comes out to play for a mere second before returning to his current flirty drunk self.

I feel a pang of guilt in my chest as I hear his heavy words.

"Stay here, don't make a sound. I will be right back. (여기있어, 소리 치지 마. 나는 곧 돌아올거야.)" I sigh as I scurry back to the conference room.

"Namjoon can I see you out here for a minute?" I squeak trying to not sound panicky.

He raises his eyebrows in surprise as he nods before following me until we reach the kitchen.

"Shoot! He was just here! Where did he go?" I sigh searching the living room since he was no longer in the kitchen.

"Who? Yoongi?" Namjoon asks watching me curiously.

"Yes, he is drunk and could barely hold himself up! I left him standing in the kitchen and now's he's not there." I sigh checking the couch.

That's when I see a shoe in the kitchen that catches my attention.

"Are you sure? Out of the seven of us, he has the highest tolerance..." Namjoon voices his doubts.

"Well, see for yourself..." I sigh as we both gaze down at Yoongi grinning at us from the floor.

"내 다리는 국수 야... (My legs are noodles...)" He mumbles in response as my phone is still in translator mode.

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