The One With the Game Plan

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~°~°~°~°~Melody's POV°~°~°~°~°~


If Jimin's over there...

Then who the hell is this??

I slowly pull back the towel to reveal Hoseok's face... Uh oh...

"도대체 무슨 일을하고 있다고 생각하니? 내 여자에게서 벗어! 넌 미쳤어! 나에게 Park Jimin을 도와주세요! 이 미친 여자를 나에게서 꺼내세요! 나는 숨을 쉴 수가 없다! 그녀는 나를 질식 시키겠다! 그녀를 그만둬!" He sputters as he scrambles up to his feet and gives me a wild look.

Great, now that's two members who are now scared of me. If I keep this up, at the end of my two weeks I will have all seven cowering in my presence.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were Jimin!" I exclaim gesturing over to Jimin who is now behind me helping me up to my feet.

"J-josonghayeo," I say as I try to remember the proper pronunciation while bowing.

Apparently, my infrequent Duolingo lessons are, in fact, useful as Hoseok's expression softens.

"사과는 받아 들여지지만, 나를 죽이지 않는 것에 감사드립니다. 나는 정말로 무서웠다." He replies.


I really need to get the guys to help me fully dive into the Korean language. The language barrier is beginning to get on my nerves. Surely there will be an opportunity sometime where they can teach me.

"나쁜쪽으로 가지 않는게 좋을거야." Hoseok smiles at Jimin before walking into the bathroom.

"What did he say?" I ask as I follow Jimin to the couch.

He pulls out his phone before responding.

"그는 내가 너의 나쁜 편에서는 안된다고 말했다. 너 영화 보러 갈 준비 됐니?
(He said that I shouldn't get on your bad side. Are you ready to watch the movie?)" He asks as he sits on the couch with his leg spread across the entire couch.

"Sure, but where do I sit? (물론, 앉아 있을까요?)" I ask as I awkwardly stand in front of the couch waiting for him to move.

"Right here." He grabs my wrist and pulls me on top of him.

"Umm. Jimin?" I gasp as I place my hands on his chest to push myself up so I can give him a warning glare.

"Don't worry. Only for practice. Nothing more." He says as he begins the movie.

I pause letting his words sink in before adjusting into a more comfortable position, trying my best not to crush him under my weight.

Honestly, I don't know how he's still breathing...

Maybe this is just how people in Korea get close? I would be lying if it wasn't a nice feeling but it truly is a really odd way to practice for a fake relationship.

I'm kind of confused, but at this point, I have to trust Jimin... Don't I? I can't call him out on every little thing unless I am a hundred percent sure he is trying to start something...

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