The One With the Parts: Pt.2

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~°~°~°~°~Yoongi's POV°~°~°~°~°~

I see Jimin's head pop up from the kitchen after she screams.


I give him a thumbs up to let him know she is fine and to keep getting her ice.

"What happened Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok asks as her scream catches his attention.

"Jimin stepped on her foot," I explain.

"Aish that pabo, she needs to be able to dance tonight. I just got a text from management and they want her in the dance practice recording and on stage tonight." He shoots Jimin a glare.

"Is it hurt badly?" He asks glancing at her foot with concern.

"No it's just swelling and bruised, she should be fine once she gets some ice. I sent Jimin to the kitchen to get some." I say nodding toward Jimin who is in the kitchen angrily shoving ice into a bag.

"Hoseok, Are you sure about having her so involved dance-wise? You're sure she won't just get in the way?" I ask glancing at my phone, glad to see it fell asleep so Melody has no idea what we are talking about.

"Just wait until you see what she can do. She's amazing." He winks as he pats her head before walking off to talk with the others.

I glance down at Melody and she is quietly staring at her foot since she couldn't understand what is being said.

I appreciate the fact that she didn't try to pry into my conversation with Hoseok since I know she has her phone with her. It shows how trusting and respectful she is.

"음, 좋은 소식은 아무 것도 고장 나지 않는다는 것입니다. 그러나 당신은 분명히 발에 멍이들 것입니다. (Well, the good news is that nothing's broken, but you will definitely have a nasty bruise on your foot.)" I say as I unlock my phone allowing Google to translate my words.

"붓기가 가라 앉으면 곧 걸을 수 있습니다. 그러나, 나는 당신이 당신의 단화를 착용하고 싶을 확실하지 않다. (You'll be able to walk soon once the swelling goes down. Though, I'm not sure you will want to wear your shoes.)" I say as I pat her ankle.

"Thanks, Doc." She smiles warmly.

I can see she is starting to feel better already.

"Room service!" A voice calls from the hall as Jimin brings me the ice.

"Thank you Jimin, will you get the door as well?" I ask as I place the ice on her foot.

Jimin frowns, yet he walks away to answer the door.

A few seconds later, he returns followed by three large carts

"We shall feast today!" Jungkook cheers as he sees the trays.

That kid is always hungry...

The lids to the trays are removed to reveal several tall stacks of pancakes, a variety of fresh fruit and a variety of breakfast beverages.

My attention is distracted from the food by the feeling of Melody grabbing my hand and hoisting herself up to plant her feet on the ground.

"너 어디로가는거야? (Where do you think you're going?)" I ask before returning her legs to the couch.

"Hey! I was going to go get food! (이봐 요! 나는 음식을 사러 갈 예정였다!)" She protests.

"내가 갖겠다. 너는 휴식이 필요해. 특히 리허설 전에. (I'll get it. You need to rest. Especially before rehearsal.)" I tease before I walk to the trays, leaving her to bicker with herself about how she isn't going to the rehearsal.

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