The One With the Lunch Box

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~°~°~°~°~Jin's POV~°~°~°~°~

  I wake up to the sounds of birds serenading the sunrise. Sleepily, I reach over to my phone, turning my alarm off as I remove my eye mask. In order to preserve such a handsome face one must not wake too abruptly. It is currently five in the morning, and I normally treasure my beauty sleep. However, for the sake of my dear friend I have gallantly set aside my own desires in order to do an act of kindness. After rising from my slumber I begin to get ready. I keep finding myself distracted as I complete my daily routine.  I am simply too handsome! I pity the staff workers, it must be so distracting being in my presence. It’s a miracle they get anything done! Once I’ve gotten ready, I make my way to the main room to see what supplies the staff have stocked the kitchen with. Shuffling in the dark, I struggle to find the light switch. As I feel along the wall, my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness as I see a shadowy midget approaching me. Can they see me? Of course, they can see me, even darkness cannot hide my good looks! But who can it be? What do they want? Questions fill my mind as the figure continues to get closer. What if this person wishes to harm me, and my handsome features! I need to escape! I go to run, but my legs are frozen in place. Now is not the time to be a coward! I- Not my glorious shoulders!  I watch in horror as the shadowy figure reaches out for my shoulder, causing me to recoil from his touch. 

  “Boo.” The figure says as the lights turn on.

  “Waaeeeeee”  I whine as a reflex before seeing who the figure is.

  “YAHHHH! Yoongi! You nearly scared me!” I huff as I recompose myself in front of the wheezing male. 

  “Yah, you should have seen your face Jin hyungie! You were all like, ‘Waaeeeeee!’” He says mocking me in my moment of weakness.

  “Have you always been so short?”  I quip as he falls silent. 

  “What are you even doing up at this time Yoongi?”  I continue.

  “I just woke up to fix myself some coffee.”  Yoongi’s gruff morning voice answers, “What about you?”  

  “I’m going to make Melody some breakfast with things I find in the kitchen.”  I explain as I begin rummaging through the empty cabinets trying to find some source of nutrients.

  "If you're going to serve her an imaginary entré then have at it. There's no food in here. Jungkook already had his midnight raid, and took all of the food. If you want to fix something you will have to go to the store to get it."  Yoongi says as he sips his coffee matter of factly.

  "Does that kid ever quit eating? I swear, he never gets full!"  I gasp in astonishment as I see for myself that all the food is indeed gone.

  "I don't want to go to the store by myself… Hey! Where are you going? I was talking to you!"  I call after him.

  "I'm going to get dressed." He says as he approaches the hallway to his room.

  "I was talking to you. Don't you know how to treat your elders with respect? Especially one as handsome as me?"  I scoff at his lack of manners.

  "Were you not about to ask if I would go to the store with you?"  He asks cooly.


  "Well, I can't very well go out in this, can I?" He gestures to his grey and blue flannel pajama bottoms, blue t-shirt, and grey kitten slippers.

  "I suppose not..."  I sigh finally understanding what he was doing.

  "Try to save time… makes me waste even more…" I hear him grumble as he continues to his room to change. 

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