The One With the Ground Rules

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~°~°~°~°~Melody's POV°~°~°~°~°~

I watch in silence as Yoongi walks away from me.

Did he just...

After he said...


I got played... Again.

Familiar emotions wash over me like a Hurricane in the Gulf... Rejection. Abandonment. Heartbreak. Anger. All these emotions hit me like a ton of bricks.

Of course, he didn't mean what he said earlier. No one like him would ever be truly interested in a girl like me in a million years.
Well except Jimin, for some odd reason... But Jimin is a player so it's to be expected.

And as I told Jimin last night, it's only been three days... I have nothing to be upset over.

Then why do I feel like this?

If Yoongi thinks he can play with my emotions, he is sorely mistaken.

Two can play this game, if he didn't mean anything he said, then this shouldn't bother him.

"Fine! (벌금!)" I force myself to call out, causing him to stop as I resumed walking towards him.

"Just to clarify then, I didn't mean anything I said either if you do remember anything. I was just trying to calm a blubbering drunk. (그 때 명확하게하기 위하여, 나는 당신이 무엇이든을 기억하는 경우에 나가 말한 아무 것도 의미하지 않았다. 나는 술 취한 술을 진정 시키려고 애 썼다.)" I say as I continue walking past his frozen form.

How about them apples?? Min Yoon-jerk.

I may crack, but I don't shatter easily.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asks as I approach the elevator.

I look up to see Jimin standing in front of me. His eyes are soft as I feel myself relax under his gaze.

His question reminds me of how caring and kind he was at the arcade where he first asked me that very same question. I almost could have fallen for that Jimin if he hadn't revealed his true playboy characteristics last night. Now I have to spend eleven days with him being in a fake relationship. Maybe if I can get the sweet Jimin back, then this won't be so terrible...

"Yeah I'm fine, I will be better once we set up some ground rules. (그래, 난 괜찮아, 일단 우리가 몇 가지 기본 규칙을 설정하면 더 나을거야.)" I sigh glancing behind me as I see Yoongi approaching us.

I quickly drag Jimin into the elevator and quickly press the button for the lobby.

"지즈 베이비, 너 혼자서 내가 너를 원한다면 묻는 게 필요했을거야... (Jeeze baby if you wanted me alone all you would have needed to do was ask...)" Jimin smirks grazing my arm with his hand.

"Okay rule one, don't do that when it's just us. This isn't real so there is no point doing it when we are alone. (규칙 1, 그건 우리 일 때 하지마. 이것은 사실이 아니므로 우리가 혼자있을 때 그것을하는 것은 아무런 의미가 없습니다.)" I say stepping away from him.

"나는 아기를 이해하지만, 당신이 그런 식으로 반응을 계속한다면 그것은 믿을 수 없을 것입니다. (I understand babe, but if you keep having a reaction to me like that, it won't be believable.)" He smirks while poking my glowing cheeks.

He may have a point.

I've never had a proper boyfriend before...

There was him, but that didn't work out and could barely even be considered a relationship.

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