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I woke up to the sun beamin' in a bih face.
I scrunched my face up and looked beside me and E was up watching Disney Channel.

She had some cereal in a bag, munchin'.

I chuckled to myself as I sat up.

"Morning Boo!" Emani said .

"Morning E" I said

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

She pointed straight to a door that had the light on.

I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me locking it and got into the shower.

I took about 30 mins and got out wrapping the towel around myself ,drying off.

I got dressed and opened the door and the mirror slowly started to un-Fog.

I left my hair bag in the bathroom.

"Your hair is poofy" Emani said laughing.

I shook my head , making the water get on her and she erupted into laughter.

Pops stood at the door watching.

When I stopped she smiled going back to her cereal as she watched some show.

It was noon

I went back to the bathroom and got started on my hair.

I finished about 15 mins later and took a picture for Instagram.

"And where you going?" Pops said standing against the door frame.

"Kira and I are going to the mall for Homecoming shopping" I said spraying perfume.

"I'll drop y'all off..."he said.

I nodded and he walked out.

"Come tell me when you're ready to go" he said.

"Ight" I said.

I applied lip gloss in my lips and began to rub them together.

Once I finished, I went to sit on the bed and put my socks on, afterwards I slipped my Chinese New Year 12s on.

I stood up and got my things back in the bag and went downstairs with E following behind me.

"Are we still having movie night tonight?" she asked.

"If I stay over tonight, yeah. Ill be sure to get us some snacks too." I said.

"Okay, but when you go to the store, I wanna go" E said as we got down the steps, going over to pops.

He was playing with Kross.

"Tell pops to bring you when he pick me and Kira up" I said.

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