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*I decided not to re write💆🏽*


I just finished straightening up my room. 

My dad walked in shortly after I sat on my bed.

"hey, did you want to go to the store with us?" he asked 

"yeah, I'll be right down." I said, going over to my closet.

I heard the door close, which meant he left out.

I got my black and  vans, then went to my dresser to get me some socks. Then I got ready for the day.

I walked downstairs with my purse in hand

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I walked downstairs with my purse in hand. 

"Ready?" Lauren asked, and I nodded.

"yes ma'am" i said as Emani and I walked over to the door.

Pops was already outside.

"come on Boss Man" i said to Kross, picking him up.


After we all got settled in the car, pops began driving.

I got on my phone once it dinged.

I got on my phone once it dinged

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I began staring at my dad.

A few moments later my phone dinged again.

I put my phone in my purse, then put my head in my lap

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I put my phone in my purse, then put my head in my lap.

I honestly need to speak with them both.

I Honestly do believe that Kera's brother put her up to it...

He knows how to manipulate people into thinking what's right is wrong, and what's wrong is right.

It's honestly sad, he'd let his younger sister do time for something she wasn't involved in.

I went to visit Kera one time, in the 7 Months she's been locked up.

She told me she didn't want to see me ever again... I think that was just her brother ....

Now that he's locked up, and she's out. I believe she could finally be herself.

Her true self, without worrying about his ass.

My phone dinged again

I looked back at my dad

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I looked back at my dad.

"Who's all gonna be at this dinner ?" I asked.

"Couple of your friends, and family" he said.


Ion like surprises, and he should be very aware of that.

I guess I'll invite Kera, so I can talk to them both.


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Whew. Here we go.

8:29 PM



Zae's mom Lori Just walked in and Lauren and I went to greet her.

"Hey Lori, Glad you could make it."Lauren told her.
They side h,ugged

"Thank y'all for inviting me." Lori said.

I noticed she had gift bags, so i showed her where the gift table is.

Zae then walked over to us, when we were putting the bags up.

"You like the set up?" I asked.

"I love it, thank you" she said hugging me.

"you're welcome, but this wasn't all just me, go thank Lauren, Sam,and also Sammy. they helped me with all this." i said.

"oof, and hi mama" she said to Lori.

Emani Walked over to us.

"this your mama? shes pretty" Mani said.

"i mean look at her daughter.. I'd hope so" Zae Said.

we all laughed, cause she somethin' else.

" oh yeah, pops...Kera's coming. i invited her." Zae Said.

"alight, thats fine with me." i said.

Alright, this is part 1.
Part 2 will be up Monday / Tuesday💙.

Make sure you Comment, Vote & Share💙!

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