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3½ months later.


I love that they have prom on the weekend cause man my nails need to be done.

Today is Friday and prom is tomorrow.

"I'm going to the nail salon after school, wanna come?" I asked Kira and she nodded.

"Let me tell my brother" she said.

I nodded and walked over to Zoie.

Zoie is a senior that I absolutely love, she's like my bestfriend too.

"Hey girly" she said giving me a.side hug as she closed her locker.

"Hey Zo, you better be at prom tomorrow or imma cry" I said.

She chuckled.

"Im gonna be there, I wanna see you whos gonna be prom king and queen." She said.

"I voted for you and Jaden" she said smiling.

"Aww thanks. Although we dont really care, we just did it just to do it." I said.

She nodded.

"Mhm, speaking of him he's walking over- Hey Jaden" she said .

"Wassup, wassup" he said as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm about to head out, later Zae" Zoie said as she walked off, backwards.

"Later, I'll text you when I'm about to go" I said.

"Mkay" she said with a nod, walking off.

I turned looking at Jaden.

"Since Prom starts at 9 ... I was thinking about picking you up at 8 ... LA traffic is gonna be wild tomorrow I know it." he said leaning on the lockers.

"Mkay, I'll be sure to be ready by then" I said.

A smiled appeared on his face as he stood up straight.

"I also needa speak with your pops" he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

My pops knows who Jaden is.

He knows I'm going to Prom with him, all that.

Jaden still gets nervous asking him questions and stuff.

But my pops ain't an over over over protective father. He's protective but he's not like how most folks would assume him to be like.

"Mkay. About what?" I asked.

"Can you come to a hotel with me after, ya know You, Me, Kira and Dev." He said.

"Okay, he's picking me up today so you can ask him when he gets here" I said.

He nodded.

After school.

Jaden and I had just said our goodbyes to Kira and Dev, and are now walking to my fathers car.

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