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After a while of talking on the Phone with Kira we decided to hang up.

That girl is real life something else, be having me dying laughing.

"Daddy said come eat"Emani said standing at my  door. I stood up from my bed, slipping my, Unicorn slippers on and headed out the room.

As I walked down the stairs the smell of chinese food hit my nose.

All I want is shrimp fried rice and egg rolls.

"It was too late to start cookin' so we stopped and got chinese..." Pops said as we all sat at the table.

Emani and I on one side, pops and lauren on the other. Kam wanted to sit with Kross at the little table.

Lauren said grace .

"Amen!" Kross little self said.

Bro ready to eat💀.

We all began to eat.

It was silent for a while, but pops began talking.

"So how was y'all day" he said looking up from his plate.

"It was good, me and uncle sam went to the movies" Emani said.

Pops nodded and looked at me.

"ion wanna talk about my day" I said continuing to look down at my food, picking at it.

2 Days Later!


I was sitting in the malls food court with kira laughing as we ate our pizza.

" Nah I'm serious, she gave a stank look, musta been smellin' a fishy ass coota cat." Kira said.

I held my side from laughing too hard.

"But she walking like-" she said but ended up laughing.

"She was walking like she had sum up her ass" she screeched laughing.

I fanned myself.

We settled down and finished our pizza.

We threw our trash away and got a slushy from this candy stand.

Then headed out with our bags.

I had to head home cause Pops & Lauren are going to some Award show and I gotta watch Kam, Kross & Emani and they wanted to be one of the first across the red carpet.

I decided to call pops.

Dialing Pops💙....

"yeah?" He said once he answered.

"Can Kira spend the night?" i asked.

"Yeah, just dont order nothing to the house, dont let nobody else come over. None of that. Stop by the store, get some snacks. Im finna cashapp you some money." he spoke.

I gave Kira a thumbs up that she could spend the night.

"Alright. Did they already shower?" I asked getting into the drivers seat.

"Yeah they're watching pets 2 right now." He said.

"Alright We'll be there soon. Imma stop at CVS and get some snacks." I said.

"Alright, drive safely. Seatbelt on. Music off. " he said.

I nodded as if he could see me.

"Alright" I said.

We hung up.


Pops & Lauren had left about 2 Hours ago and we all still up.

Kross is my baby, idc what anybody gotta say.

He was getting sleepy so I laid him beside me and he laid his head on my chest, falling asleep as I rubbed his back lightly.

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