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While my Pops and My mama at court I'm at the movies with Kira.

We're currently waiting for the movie to start so we just sitting at a table.

"So your dad is gonna try to get custody of you?" she asked.

I nodded.

"So you're okay with that?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm tired of her constantly trying to harm me when she too geeked off them drugs, or when she cant get it. My pops ain't nothing like her. He actually shows he cares for me. And I only known him for 4 months. I've known my mama all my life. " I said.

She nodded as if she understood.

"Imma still be ya best friend, plus this whole custody thing takes a while"I said.

"But sometimes the judge needs to hear the case one time and they make their decision." She said.

"Yeah true.." I said.

We soon went to see the movie.

As we sat down we went on and got our things we had in our purses out.

I had oreos, sour patch kids and a water.

Kira had mini glanced donuts, skittles and an apple juice.

The previews soon went off  and I looked at the screen getting comfortable in my seat.

2 hours later.

Pops just dropped Kira off, and we were headed to his house.

"So how was court?" I asked.

" your mama has to do Rehab.. " he said.

"Oh.." I said looking out the window.

"Meaning, you're staying with me" he said.

I nodded.

"Did you wanna stop by and get  your things?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said .

He nodded and headed there.

Next Morning.

I was in the bathroom taking pictures.

I decided to post one on Instagram.

I decided to post one on Instagram

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