260 23 0

9: 00 P.M

The Boiling Crab


We were all getting seated, to eat, then Kera Walked in.

I waved her over to the seat I had saved for her beside me , and she came over.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey Zae" she replied, sitting down.

She waved to everyone.

Everyone just nodded or waved back.

The adults began talking amongst themselves so Kera and I began to talk.

After the long talk I had work my mom, her telling me what my grandparents put her through, making her think that was how she was supposed to live & raise me, really made me see a different side of her.

She knew that wasn't her, bit she still acted that way, because that's all she knew.

She turned to drugs, cause her knowing what was right versus how she was brought up took a stressful toll on her.

"I'm so sorry...for everything. Its just my brother Darius had gotten caught up... He's very manipulative, he told me to put the gun in your room or he'd end me... I thought if I just out it under your dresser, nobody would ever know...but the street cameras of that night of ol' dude getting killed caught Darius and a group of his boys on camera, and they thought I was the get away driver , but someone confessed to that after I did 6 months and was proven innocent. I never meant to betray you or your families trust, I really love you Zae. You're like the sister I never had." She said.

I'm not even an emotional person but why my eyes watering?

We hugged it out, and I forgave her.

I know how it is to be in a situation when its either you or them. So you pick yourself. Not being selfish but, just to protect yourself.

That's a lot to deal with, whew.

It feels good to be on good terms with My mom & Best friend again. Its like I feel happier.

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