Inigo Balker

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Inigo Balker was born with magical ability, his parents were first aware of his ability when he was just a toddler, moving his toys without touching them, confirmed the possibility.

As Inigo grew, so did his power. A tantrum when he was three years of age resulted in his parents to acquire a suppressor (a magical trinket, usually in the form of a necklace or bracelet, that suppresses magical ability.)

His father, Royce, was a blacksmith and his mother, Tani, was a baker of sorts. Neither one was magically inclined so the magic community told them a suppressor was their only option.

Living in the port town of Lanawae, the Balkers lived a fairly normal life. The rumours of Inigo's ability had spread to the townsfolk making it hard for him growing up as the other children were afraid of him and stayed away.

The local schools said it would be better for Inigo to be homeschooled, like other 'magic folk'. It wasn't uncommon for a human to be born with magical ability, especially if the parents are mages themselves, but since Inigo's parents lead non-magic lives, they tried to give Inigo an upbringing that they had themselves.

Tani did all she could to help Inigo fit in, everything she tried just seemed to backfire. The last time Tani tried, she had baked cakes and cookies for Inigo to give to the other children, only for the children to think that Inigo was trying to turn them into frogs.

After that, Inigo pleaded with his mother to stop, saying she was only making things worse, Tani reluctantly agreed.

Inigo in time found peace in his solidarity and usually spent most of his time helping his parents.

Royce was a well-respected blacksmith and the rumours of his son had no impact on his business. Inigo would often help his father forge simple objects such as hooks, forks and knives. After a hard day's work of helping his father in the forge, Royce would usually take his son out on a walk under the stars or spar with wooden training swords, and on occasion, if Inigo was really good, Royce would let him have a few sips of ale.

If Inigo wasn't helping his father in the forge, he would be helping his mother, baking cakes, biscuits, muffins and all different kinds of bread. Tani would usually sell the cookies and cakes but other times she would donate their freshly baked goods to the local orphanage, that Tani herself grew up in.

When Inigo was around ten years old, Tani and Royce sat down with Inigo to console him after a run-in with the local children. Inigo didn't want to be different, he wanted to fit in, that's when his parents told him about Xiacran Tower.

Inigo was familiar with the island, the tower itself could be seen from Lanawae. He often stared at Xiacran Island wondering what the grounds look like, now his parents tell him that the island he had stared at most is a college of magic.

Inigo's excitement could not be contained, he begged to be sent to the college right away and took it hard when told he had to wait till he was older.

Ever since, if he ever found himself alone, usually in his room, he would take off the necklace that was suppressing his magic and try to lift various toys through the air, quietly so not to disturb his parents. He could manage to lift the toys with ease, the hard part was lowering the toys to the floor without a clang. If his father was in the forge, the sound coming from Inigo's room was negligible, but when practising at night, it would take quite a lot of concentration not to wake them. He was determined to get it right, hoping this skill will help him fit in at Xiacran Tower.

Hey all!
This is the first draft of Xiacran Tower AKA The Tower
AKA Super Unedited Version

Please feel free to comment so I can make this the best it can be :)

Love ya'll

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