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'Today is the day my classmates will know I'm different. They will know I am weird.

Well, at least not until after lunch.

But then they will know.

They'll reject me.'

"Inigo! Are you up?" Otaeryn's voice could be heard through his bedroom door.

"Yeah! All ready." Inigo calls out.

Inigo's door opens, "Come on, then." Otaeryn says.

Inigo grabs his bag and joins the rest of his friends for breakfast.

Loading up with energy for the day to come, Inigo makes sure he eats a lot.

"This morning is going to be easy," Xylcas says to his friends.

"Not for me, this afternoon will be easy for me." Otaeryn replies.

"You're a Nature Mage?" Dinwae asks.

"Yeah, most of my family are either Creation or Nature Mages."

"What about you, Inigo? Are you Nature or Arcane?" Dinwae asks.

Inigo's heart races, "I'm Arcane." he says, hoping they wouldn't pry further.

"I knew it! Told ya, Din'." Xylcas says to Dinwae, confirming to Inigo that they have been talking about him behind his back.

"It's surprising that you are arcane, coming from two human parents, are you sure you don't have Azuralite blood in you?"

"I haven't noticed any wings." Inigo acts like he is trying to look for them. "Then again, my mother was left at an orphanage, so we could be distant cousins as far as I know."

This made Inigo's friends all laugh, feeling accepted but inside he was conflicted. 'It's all an act, things are going to change, once they know who you are.'

Arcane class was taught by a Master that Inigo recognised immediately, it was Master Tsubin.

The Master introduced herself and briefed the class on what to expect. "...the first part of the class we will be focusing on theory, and the second part of the class will focus on practical. Arcane magic is split into three main areas, arcane, fire and electricity.

Raise your hand if you have cast a fire spell before."

Inigo raises his hand, he looks around to see that the majority of the class had their hand up.

"Excellent. Raise hand up if you have cast an electricity spell." Master Tsubin says.

Most of the Human, Elven, Daeku and Kaogn students that had their hands up put them down. Inigo still had his hand raised as well as Xylcas, Dinwae and the other Azuralite students, but what caught his eye was Riz, she had her hand down at the fire question but raised it for electricity.

"And lastly, raise your hand if you have cast an arcane spell."

Inigo wasn't sure if he had, so he put his hand down. 'I don't think I've ever seen an arcane spell.'

He looked around to see only the Azuralite students still had their hands up.

"Excellent, if you didn't put your hand up, that doesn't mean you cannot or are unable to cast arcane magic. Some it will come easy and others it will be a struggle, but with different magic, the people that struggled will do well, and the one that found it easy, will struggle."

"I thought some people cannot cast other kinds of magic." A voice said.

"That is not completely true. Yes, some have not been able to cast different kinds of magic and will most likely give up in frustration and focus on what they can do. But, as history shows, it is possible. All magic was once thought, not possible.

Mages break the realms of possibility, so open your minds, think creatively and most importantly do not limit yourself!"

What Master Tsubin said within the class stayed with Inigo, he respected her instantly for her ability to make him feel that he could do anything he set his mind to.

Inigo made shorthand notes thought the theory side of the class when it came to the practical, each student would have to stand in the middle of the room, say who they are and what they can already do with arcane magic...

I plan on introducing extra characters when I start editing. For now I am focusing on the main story.

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