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Inigo wakes to another day, the grogginess of the morning slowly fades as he eats breakfast with his friends. His body is still trying to adjust to the little sleep he has been getting, every night he and his floormates would work on creating the Azuralite body for Dinwae.

Ryki is enjoying learning about the Azuralite anatomy, almost every inch is filled with magical energy, the reason for the blue hue of the skin. The bones of an Azuralite are hollow and therefore lighter so Azuralite can achieve flight easier.

Each difference and similarity has Ryki enthralled, even in his other classes, Inigo catches Ryki glancing back at his Anatomy textbook constantly and taking notes.

"The names of the Zysska! recruits are up in the Main Entrance." Ryki says to the group as they sit together on a break.

Xylcas and Dinwae look at each other smile and run off to the main entrance, Inigo slowly follows. A group of students are crowded around the sheet of paper pinned on the wall in the main entrance. Inigo makes his way through the crowd and hopes to see his name there. 'I know Teq'orr said I can't become part of a team, but I have learned how to control myself.'

Inigo looks at the list of names, he can't find his name anywhere. 'What is the point in controlling myself if there is no reward?'

Inigo walks away, arguing with himself.

"No luck either," Xylcas says, looking just as upset.

"We are only first-years, we still have time to prove ourselves." Dinwae reasons.

"Prove yourself?" Otaeryn scoffs, "Freaks like you should be nowhere near Zysska!"

"How dare you, you little rat!" Inigo launches himself forward, "What did you just say?"

A small blast of wind forces Inigo to step back as an older student steps in between them seeming to guard Otaeryn.

The Elf smiles and the older student's eyes turn white. "Messing with an Eco is not advised."

Inigo fills with rage, "Who do you think you are?" 'Make him pay for that, don't even talk, just hit him!'

"Irnit Ravenpike, son of Lord Ravenpike of Craiquay, Captain of the Eco's." Irnit straightens his already perfect posture.

'Son of a Lord? Even better!' Inigo feels a hand on his shoulder, and he shrugs it off. "He calls my friend a freak one more time, and I will wipe that stupid look off his face, permanently." Inigo stares back at Irnit's glowing white eyes.

As Inigo turns to walk away, Irnit adds, "Is that the freak who is using Illusion to pass as an Azuralite?"

'Is he out of his mind? Kill him!' Inigo turns and throws his fist at Irnit's jaw, the older mage jumps back and counters with a blast of wind knocking Inigo to the ground.

Irnit laughs with Otaeryn as Inigo forces himself off the floor. 'Don't hold back!' They ignore Inigo as he forces as much mana as he can into his right hand. He looks down to see concentrated dark magic swirling around his hand. With all his might he launches at Irnit, trying to fling the dark magic right into Irnit's face but his arm won't move.

Inigo turns to see Teq'orr holding Inigo's arm. The Circle mage absorbs the dark magic and drags Inigo away.

The Circle Mage takes Inigo all the way up to the Dark Magic classroom.

"You should never use magic against another student!" Teq'orr scolds Inigo.

"He used magic against me first!" Inigo protests. 'That is unfair! Just because he is some Lord's son?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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