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This part is super long!
Not sure if I'm keeping this in, let me know if you think I should. :)

The next day, Inigo asks for permission to go back home to Lanawae. Master Crest grants the request and organises a boat with oars to be ready for him at the main southern dock.

Inigo asked if Shaya wanted to go with him, but he refused the offer saying, "I've got to study."

Inigo packed his college robes and mantle to show his parents, sword strapped to his belt, he paddled the boat across to Lanawae. Docking the boat in the same spot Cassius docked his, he sets off towards his home.

The sound of hammering, a sound he had only just realised he missed, can be heard as he walks through the front door into the forge, his father shouts. "Good Morning, I'll be right there." In between the hammering.

"Hey, dad. It's me!" Inigo shouts.

"Inigo? How are you, son?" His father bellows

"Great!" Inigo shouts back, he then hears a sizzle of hot metal in water after the hammering stops and his father puts down his work, wipes the sweat from his brow and walks over to Inigo and gives him a hug.

"Argh, get off." Inigo pushes the sweaty man away.

His father laughed, "Come on, your mother will love to see you. How are things going at this school?"

"It's a college, dad." Inigo rolls his eyes.

"Look who just walked in," Royce says, entering the kitchen.

"Inigo! My darling. Wait, why are you here? Did something go wrong? Did the other kids pick on you? Because I will give them a piece of my mind!" Tani smothers her child with a hug.

"No mum, calm down. Everything is great, I needed to come back because I need a few things before college starts."

"A bath for starters, Royce fill up the tub and warm it up." Tani orders her husband.

Royce shrugs at Inigo before turning to do as commanded.

"No mum I don't need a bath, they have these things called showers, it's like a personal waterfall, heated too! But I do need my own soap and a towel." Inigo says.

"Royce, don't bother!" His mother calls out. Inigo can almost hear his father's eyes rolling from the other room. "Your father had a great day yesterday, a travelling merchant and his hired help needed all new equipment. So this worked out well, how long are you back for?"

"Just today, I said I'd be back before sundown."

"Before I forget, this letter came for you." Tani scrambles through her kitchen then finds the envelope and passes it to Inigo.

'To Inigo Balker'

He opens the letter, and it was almost identical to Shaya's

'To Inigo Balker,

Xiacran Tower would like to offer you an opportunity to study and practice magic.

Orientation will start on the 3rd Akatams, you will need to bring the following:

Writing materials


Recreational clothing (Uniform will be provided.)

Towel (Two recommended)

Soap and other hygiene materials

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