Weeks Later

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'Forget them, they are poison.'

"You are poison."

'I am you.'

"I am in control."

'No you are not, you are even speaking to me out loud now.'

"Just leave me alone."

'That is the thing I will always be with you. Only crazy people talk to themselves, you know?'

"I am not crazy."

'Said like a crazy person.'

"Stay away from me!"

'What do you not understand? I am you!'

Inigo shouts in frustration before hearing a knock on his door. He walks over and opens his door.

"Hey, are you okay? Thought I could hear shouting." Shaya says, standing at the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" Inigo gestures for Shaya to enter his room.

"Just wanted to see how you are."

'More like seeing if I have gone insane yet,' "I know I have been a bit quiet recently, I think Dark Magic is taking it out of me."

"That is probably why they don't teach it until the third year. Are you sure that is all?"

'Stop prying you little know-it-all, get away from me.' "Do you think Dark Magic can give you dark thoughts?" 'What? No! why did you say that?'

"I suppose it is possible what thoughts are you having?"

'Don't tell him about me!' "I fight with myself a lot like there is an evil side to me that I keep pushing away."

"You sound normal to me. Intelligent if anything, the most intelligent people that have ever walked the lands question everything. The fact that you are fighting with yourself means that you are questioning, learning, becoming wise. I fight with myself daily too, I don't think it is unusual."

'Intelligent? Finally, someone can see my genius!' "That does actually help, thank you."

"No problem. I think Master Xiacran is in a bad mood, he stormed passed me on the stairs, knocking me to the side."

"Brilliant," Inigo replies sarcastically. "Just what I need, an uptight killjoy in a bad mood teaching me how to control my 'dark side'."

"Sounds good to me." Shaya smiles

'You actually think that is fun? Idiot.' "By all means, please take my place."

"Believe me, if I could, I would!" Shaya replies. "Anyway, I only stopped by to check up on you. Best get some sleep, tomorrow a new week begins!"

'Yay, another one.' "Yeah, see you tomorrow." Inigo leads Shaya out of his room.

"See you in a bit." Shaya walks off and up the staircase.

Inigo finds sleep soon after Shaya leaves. The nights are getting longer and colder, each day getting closer to winter in Kivastora.

In the morning, Inigo wakes early to grab a shower before breakfast, as usual Dinwae and Xylcas are already awake and showering by the time Inigo reaches the bathroom. The awkwardness of showering in front of others is gone, at first, Inigo hated the idea of other people seeing him naked would make him uncomfortable, but now he doesn't care.

The young mage dries himself after the shower and dresses into his college robes before marching down to breakfast. The smell of the food makes Inigo's stomach grumble as he joins the fast-moving queue.

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