I Promise

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Scenario: Clementine had been captured by the Delta, and when Louis goes to rescue her, he realises that she's not the same girl anymore.


Louis snuck across the ship. He couldn't get caught. Not when he was so close to getting Clementine back. He came across a room, with rows of cells. He looked in each one, the faint sounds of quiet sobbing were becoming more loud as he approached the end of the room. He looked in the last cell, seeing a figure curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, shaking and silently sobbing.

"Clementine?" Louis asked. The girl didn't respond. He looked down at the latch on the door, lifting it up and opening the door. Upon hearing the door creak open, Clementine quietly gasped.

"P-please... no more."

"It's me... Louis." Louis said quietly.

"L-Louis?" she said, turning her head. He could now see her face. It was bruised, and and her cheeks were wet from tears.

"Shit, what did they do to you?" Louis asked. Clementine said nothing. Instead, she launched herself at the boy, engulfing him in a hug as she cried into his shirt.

"What happened?" Louis asked.

"They wanted to know everything about you guys, and the school... I refused to tell them so... so they had to teach me a 'lesson'. I...." Clementine explained.

"Shit..." Louis mumbled.

"It hurts, Louis... it hurts so much." she cried.

"I know, baby, I know... but I promise, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" Louis said.

"O-okay..." Clem said quietly. Louis consoled her until she had stopped crying.

"Can you stand?" Louis asked.

"I think so..." Clem replied. She shakily stood up. He helped her out of the cell. In the light, he could see the damage more clearly now. Her once caramel complexion was now a pale shade. Her golden eyes were missing that sparkle, and they were bloodshot and red. Her pretty face was now covered in bruises and cuts.

"Come on, we need to get out of here now." Louis said. She nodded. The pair slowly made their way off the ship, when Clementine stumbled.

"Shit! Are you okay?" Louis asked.

"I can't..." Clem said. Louis picked her up bridal style, and walked through the silent woods with her.

"Louis?" Clem asked weakly.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Thank you. For coming to get me." Clem said.

"I was too late though... if I was here earlier, this wouldn't have happened to you. I... I don't deserve you." Louis said, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"It doesn't matter when you got here. What matters is that you came for me." Clem explained.

"I'm still sorry though. I promise, I won't let you go through this ever again." Louis said.

Clementine leaned up, connecting their lips, taking Louis by surprise. He didn't hesitate to kiss back though.

Once she pulled away, Clementine yawned.

"Get some sleep, okay? When you wake up, you'll be in your bed." Louis said. Clementine nodded, nuzzling her head against his chest, shutting her eyes. As he felt her drift off to sleep, he saw the school gates in the far distance. He looked down at the sleeping Clementine. He smiled; she could finally get rid of the pain for a while.

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