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I was smoking a cigarette in the living room, watching t.v while my mum was at work and Mini was at school when I got a phone call from Jal Fazer.

"Freya, can you please come shopping with me," she pleads through the phone.

I was a little caught off guard, considering I've only ever talked to her once in my life. I was also confused how she got my number, but figured Cassie or someone must have given it to her.

"Uh, yeah," I say, finishing off my cigarette and putting it out in the ashtray on the coffee table. "Who all's going?"

"I was supposed to go with Michelle, but she fucking ditched me for Tony again. So right now just me and Sid. You can bring Cassie along if you want. I need all the help I can get."

Cassie went back to the clinic to talk to her therapist, but I just tell Jal she can't because she's babysitting her little brother.

"I'll meet you guys there," I tell Jal.

"Okay. See ya."


We go to the first dress store that we see in the mall. It's some cheap place with tacky dresses that definitely weren't cute. But it's obvious that Jal has no sense of fashion and doesn't give a shit about what she looks like, so we search the racks for decent looking and affordable dresses.

"So, what's this for anyway?" I ask Jal. I pull a sparkly gold dress off the rack that's somewhat decent looking and I sling it over my forearm for her to try on.

"I'm a finalist in the Young Musician of the Year competition," she tells me nonchalantly, acting like it isn't a big deal.

"That's awesome, Jal," I tell the girl. I almost forget that Sid's there until he drops a pair of panties onto the floor and clears his throat awkwardly. "Silly things... in the way," he mutters quietly.

"What do you play?" I ask her. We move from rack to rack, not having much luck. Jal finds a brown modest dress that is rather ugly, but looks to be much more her style and in her comfort zone.

"Clarinet," she says it proudly. "Come with me to try these on."

Jal and I get a fitting room while Sid stands outside of it. Jal strips from her clothes and steps into the gold dress that I had picked out. She pulls it up her body in disgust.

"I think you look amazing," I tell her as I help her zip the back of it up. As I zip the dress all the way, she takes a harsh inhale of breath.

"No I fucking don't," she says, staring at herself in the mirror. "How am I supposed to play clarinet properly in a dress. I can't fucking breathe right."

"Just wear slacks and a blouse," I say as I help her unzip as she's trying to reach around back and grab the zipper. She slips out of the dress and puts it back on the hanger before grabbing an aqua blue dress she had picked out.

"I wish I could, but this is too important," she says as she slides the next dress on. "I have to make a good impression. Sadly, it's not only my music that they'll be focusing on. Zip please."

I grab the zipper near her lower back and try to pull it up, but the zipper won't budge. It seems to be caught in the fabric.

"I cant zip it, it's gotten caught in the dress," I tell Jal as I continue to try and pull it. Jal groans and peaks her head out of the dressing room curtain.

"Sid, come here," she calls for the boy.

"What?" I hear Sid ask surprised.

"Jesus, just get in here!"

Sid slips through the curtain and closes it. He adjusts his glasses on the bridge of the nose.

"Can you zip this, bloody things gotten stuck," I tell Sid, stepping out from behind Jal.  

"It's in your arse," he says to her as the zipper rests on her butt.

Jal huffs in annoyance. "Christ sakes! Are you gonna help me here or not?"

Sid grabs the zipper and tries to pull it up but to no avail. "That is stuck," he mutters an agreement as he continues to pull harder.

He finally gets the damn thing uncaught from the fabric, managing to pinch his thumb in the zipper in the process. 

"Ah!" He groans loudly, loud enough for the other people in the store to most likely hear it.

"What's wrong with you? Come on!" Jal scolds him.

"Oh god!" Sid groans again, as his thumb is still caught.

"Oh christ, let me get a hold of it," I tell him.

"Hurry," he groans. I grab the zipper and yank it up, releasing his thumb. He squeezes his thumb with his other hand.

"Oh thats it," he breathes heavily in relief. Jal just looks at him in annoyance.

Sid and I step out of the dressing room as Jal tries on one last dress. Of course, everyone inside the store heard us inside the dressing room and got the wrong idea.

An employee stares at us and Sid hands him the golden dress Jal had tried on. "She, er, didn't like it. Too small," he says.

"Yes," the employee says rudely, snatching the dress away from Sid.

A woman looking through a clothes rack beside us grabs her kid and ushers him away. 

"You're disgusting," she tells us with narrowed eyes as she walks away.

Sid, looking genuinely confused, smells his armpits. "What'd we do?"


an; awe sid i love him. 

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