forty six

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Chris had managed to get a job, his own place, then just like that, boom. He lost it all.

Chris had woken up the morning after Cassie's party to find one of his co-workers standing in the doorway of the flat, his eyes wide with shock as a man stood behind him, equally surprised and confused. That's when I had learned that the flat wasn't even Chris' to begin with, he just decided to live in it since he had gotten the key to it from his work. Chris, along with Cassie, were kicked to the curb, and Chris was fired from the job he was so good at. Jal hadn't made an effort to reach out to him after he hooked up with Angie at the party. As much as I adored Chris, he certainly had a gift of fucking everything up for himself.

I knew Cassie was partially to blame for Chris' situation, and it really upset me. Even though Chris was sure to get caught eventually for residing in a place that wasn't even his, Cassie certainly made matters worse by throwing a party and trashing the place. She told me at the party she was "throwing herself to the wind," and it was real shitty of her to throw Chris with her too.

Despite Chris' tendency to fuck things up, he also thankfully had the tendency to correct his fuck ups in unexpected ways. Evidence of when Angie left Bristol, leaving her flat to Chris as a farewell gift. He also somehow managed to fix his relationship with Jal, and the two were officially together and seemed happier than ever.

Cassie still tagged along with Chris, residing in Angie's flat with him. I just really hoped she wouldn't help him fuck anything else up.

I was at Chris' new place, sitting on the couch as Cassie slept beside me, her feet thrown over my lap. She must have been severely hung over, evidence from the nearly empty bottle of vodka I had found in her hand when I walked through the front door. Chris was out at the moment, trying to look for a job, so it was just me and sleeping beauty at the moment.

I needed Cassie to wake up. She hadn't talked to me since the night of the party despite my many attempts to get in contact with her. She was pissed off at me for reasons that I didn't know. Was it because I had called her out about her fucking up her own life?

She begin to stir in her sleep a few moments later, before her big eyes flooded open, blinking a few times before her vision settled on me.

"Hi," I greet her. "I need to talk to you miss 'don't leave a message after the beep.'"

She frowns, knowing that I know she's been ignoring me. She throws her feet off my lap and sits herself up straight, running a hand over her tired eyes. She notices her bottle of vodka I had sat on the coffee table and she attempts to grab it but I'm quicker, taking it and placing it on the floor by my feet, out of her reach. She frowns harder.

"You're mad at me," I state the obvious. "Can you tell me why? So I know what I've done wrong?"

"Do you know what hurts the most about a broken heart?" She asks me, ignoring my question. I shake my head, no. "It's not being able to remember the way you felt before."

I don't say anything, deciding to let her keep talking.

"My life has been nothing but heartbreak and disappointment. A person can only take so much of it before they snap."

"But Cas," I begin. "You can't let Sid make you feel this way. You can't let him destroy you-"

"It's not just Sid, Freya," Cassie cuts me off. "It's my porno parents, too interested in fucking eachother that they don't notice how miserable I am. It's Michelle, one of my oldest friends shagging the guy she knows I love. It's everyone else, cutting me off and ignoring me, and it's you-"

She stops herself once she realizes she had accidentally brought my name into it.

"What about me?" I interrogate. She doesn't seem to want to answer, biting her tongue. She's saved by a knock on the door.

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