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Cassie has to go to her check up then college, so I walk back to my house alone. When I walk through the front door, my little sister Minerva, who we call Mini, is sitting in front of the tv eating from a bowl of Cheerios. She doesn't notice when I walk past her, too engrossed in whatever it is she's watching on the telly.

"Is mum home?" I ask her as I dig through the kitchen cabinets, looking for something to eat. I settle on a granola bar.

"She's got a man with her," Mini tells me as she shoves a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "I walked in on 'em snogging and everything."

"Lovely, Mins." I rip the wrapper of my bar open and bite into it, grabbing my purse that I had left sitting on the kitchen counter and heading to my bedroom.

Sure enough, my mums bedroom door is cracked upon, just enough for any person who walks by to catch a glimpse of her bare chest as some random man kisses her everywhere. I roll my eyes, so used to the sight that it barely bothers me anymore. I grab the handle and close the door the rest of the way shut, not wanting Mini to see.

Walking into my room, I throw my purse on the dresser and plop down on my bed, staring blankly at the bland ceiling and eating my granola bar. Next to me, my phone buzzes and I grab it too see who it is.
It's an unknown number.


I sit up in my bed as I type a reply.

Freya McGuinness:
Who is this??

The man of your dreams

From the cocky attitude, I can only assume who it is.

Frey McGuinness:
Well, looks like that rules out Tony Stonem

He takes a little longer to respond, probably caught off guard by my bluntness.

Tony Stonem:
God I love when you're mean to me... it's hot

I don't really know what to say to that, as it's a rule of mine not to mess with fuck boys who have girlfriends who could probably ruin my life if they wanted to, so I don't say anything.

There's a soft knock on my bedroom door before it slowly creeks open, and my moms makeup smeared face peaks through. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey doll," she calls me, slipping her body through the door and walking over to me. Thankfully, she has a shirt on. She plops down on the bed, her perfume overwhelming me so much that I have to play it off as choking on my granola bar.
She slaps me on the back.

"Chew your food, hun," she tells me, and I nod.

"Yeah," I tell her. "That's it."

"So," She says once my coughing fit is over. "Your out patient program ends tomorrow, and the college has been calling wondering if you'll be returning next week-"

"No," I interject before she can even finish. "I can't go back there. Not after everything that happened."

My mom places her hand on my thigh in a comforting manner. "Frey... I thought you and your therapist talked about this... What happened with Amy wasn't your fault-"

"I don't want to talk about this mum," I say, jumping up from the bed and walking over to my dresser, digging through the drawers. "I just can't go back there, okay."

She watches in sympathy as I strip from my dress, throwing an oversized t-shirt over my body.

"Well you can't just not go to college," she tells me. "Especially after all the money I've put into it."

"Okay, then I'll transfer," I offer. "I can go to Roundview. It's not as good of a school as CRU, but it's closer. Plus, Cassie and some of my other mates go there. And, they don't know what happened..."

My mom sighs in defeat before getting up.

"I'll call Roundview, see what I can do," she tells me. She stands on her toes as I'm two inches taller than her and she kisses my forehead. "I love you, baby. We'll have a big feast tonight. Celebrate everything getting back to normal."

I smile softly. "Okay, yeah."

"Now, if you'll excuse me," she says in a sultry voice, her mood completely changing. "I've got someone waiting for me in the bedroom."


Cassie came over after her college classes to share her big news with me.

"I've been released from the clinic!" She says happily to me as my mum and Mini eaves drop from the kitchen. "Isn't that lovely!"

I'm about to congratulate her when my mum cuts me off. "That's wonderful, Cassandra," she calls her by her real name. She chops up carrots as Mini tosses them into a bowl. "Just wonderful."

"I'm proud of you, Cas," I tell her. "I told you you could do it."

For a moment she looks guilty about something, and when she notices me looking at her with a raised eyebrow, she pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks Freya. Couldn't have done it with out you... Yum, wow. That smells delicious Ms. McGuinness, has my mouth watering."

Both my mum and I are shocked. That definitely wasn't something that the old Cassie Ainsworth would say.

"Oh, well thank you dear. Are you finally going to be joining us for dinner tonight?" My mum asks hopeful. Despite being over at my house twenty four seven, Cassie never once took up on our invites to eat dinner with us. We knew it was because of her eating disorder, and at her all time low she couldn't even stand the smell of food so we kinda just stopped asking her. But maybe tonight she'd finally take us up on our offer.

"Oh, sure Ms. McGuinness, that would be lovely."

Cassie and I set the table as my mum and Mini finish up the casserole. As my mom places a slop of casserole onto each of our plates, I take a sip of orange juice from my wine glass before holding it up in the air as a toast.

"To Cassie," I say proudly. Cassie gives me a small smile as my mom and Mini hold their glasses into the air with me. "I am so proud of you... more than you will ever know."

And then when we start eating, I finally notice what she's doing. Distracting us, starting conversations as she's about to take a bite of food, mashing it up into smaller pieces, pushing everything to one side of the plate to make it look like she's eating. My mum doesn't notice, but I do. And then I realize that Cassie isn't better. She's just gotten better at fooling me.

an; sorry i haven't uploaded this in a while... i honestly kinda forgot about it. but i just rewatched generation one of skins for like the 500th time and i just really wanted to write about the gen one characters because they will forever be my favorite. a new part or two will definitely be published this weekend, so stay tuned !!

love, em

fools x tony stonem [completed]Where stories live. Discover now