thirty five

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There was one thing I was certain about; Tony Stonem did not know who he truly was, and only knew who people told him he was before the accident. Abigail Stock being one of them. She had taken advantage of him at his lowest, using his condition and loss of memory to convince him that he was her boyfriend, and it made my blood boil.

I wasn't mad at Tony, despite him rejecting me, despite his claims that he was in fact Abigails boyfriend, and despite the fact that he claimed "I was just his friend who wouldn't let him into my box." I could never be mad at Tony for something that he couldn't control, but I could be mad at Abigail. And boy, was I fucking mad.

I wait outside of the Green at Roundview before my classes started, sitting on a bench that faced the posh all-girls college across the green that Abigail attended. My arms cross over my chest as I suck on a cigarette to help with my nerves.

That's when I see her in her horrid school uniform, standing with a group of girls as they all chatted eachothers ears off. I take one last drag from my cigarette before tossing it to the ground and crushing it with the sole of my shoe. I walk over to her.

"Oh, hi," she greets me, her eyes giving me a judgmental once-over . "What do you wa-"

She can't finish her sentence because I throw my hand back and bring it across her face. So hard that her head whips to the side and people around us turn their heads at the loud smack.

Her friends all gasp behind her, covering their mouths out of shock. Abigail turns her head back towards me, her cheek bright pink and her eyes glossy.

"You hit me!" She shrieks in disbelief, cupping her cheek in her hand.

"And I'll do it again," I warn. "If you don't leave Tony alone."

She looks back to the girls behind her, her little minions, and she looks back to me with a small smile on her lips.

"It's not my fault Tony wants me," she says and is greeted by a choir of laughs from the other posh girls.

I take a daring step closer to her. She tilts her chin up, trying to seem bigger. I grimace, staring at her nose hairs.

"He doesn't know what he wants," I spit. I look her up and down, the way she had done me, and I scrunch my noise, not liking what I see.

"And any way," I begin. "It's kinda pathetic, don't you think? Preying on a boy of Tony's condition? Using it to your advantage?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she's quick to protest.

"I mean, it's pretty obvious," I say. "Tony would never date a posh bitch like you unless he had severe brain damage and memory loss- Oh, Wait! He does!"

She's on me in seconds, letting out a war cry and tackling me to the ground.

"You fucking wankstain!" She calls as she straddles me, throwing punches at my face. She hits me twice in the mouth. "Take it back!"

"No!" I manage to get her off of me and I clamber over her flailing body. I hit her back and she grabs a fistful of my hair, fighting dirty. We definitely had drawn a crowd by now, and students from both colleges had come together to watch the scene unfolding in front of them. I'm still on Abigail, pulling her hair like she had done mine, and she reaches her head up and chomps down on my forearm.

"Fuck!" I holler, yanking my arm away from her and slapping her again on her already swollen cheek. Before either of us can do anymore damage, I'm ripped off Abigail. She lays on the floor and I stare down at her, flailing my arms and legs trying to get back at her.

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